Leg 3
This was a challenging day. With Live Weather enabled, winds were between 45-55 knots from the NNW.
Shortly after takeoff from Dumbrava:
With a cruise speed of ~ 55 knots, the Jenny has a hard time in these winds. I found that I was crabbing into the wind the entire flight. Scenery was picturesque, though:
I follow DC180A past Zemes to Moinesti, then pick up DN2G and DN12A south. At Darmanesti, I continue south, crossing DN11 at Harja. This heading brings me to waypoint 6, where I turn to 207 degrees to get to waypoint 5.
Another course correction to 222 degrees should bring me to waypoint 4, but the winds are so strong at this point that I’m having a hard time keeping on course.
This is Varful lui Crai (1,472m). At this point the Jenny is acting more like a glider than an aircraft. I’m riding the ridgelift wherever possible to keep altitude:
Turning to 270 degrees at waypoint 4, I have choice to make. Hope to find a landing spot in the hamlet of Manastirea Suzana 2 miles ahead, or try to get over the ridge behind it (with Mt. Grohotis at 1,768m) and land at the slightly larger village of Predelus. I’m feeling lucky, so choose the latter!
I’ve got to get over this ridge, but the wind is against me:
This is my actual route:
I’m blown way off-course & to the south, and end up managing to scrape over the ridge at a spot 200m lower:
A rapid decent on the other side brings me to Predelus:
The only flat spot to land is the road!
Let’s hope a friendly villager will put me up for the night: