How's the CTD situation with your sim now?

Hey guys, I’m getting CTD’s when I got closer than 100nm of my destination airport so I wanted
to ask how the situation is across the forum now. Let me know in the comments, thanks.

Best Regards

  • Steffo

Same for me…

2x successful short flights
4x CTD 15 min. after departure
3x CTD 100-150nm before arrival

Yesterday CTD London to New York at 11.000 ft after 7hrs…

Next time i will try deleting rolling cache and use offline ATC voice…

Community folder is empty except of some 787/A320 liveries…

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I also have CTDs after the update
But also only in the 787. 1 hour after takeoff I notice that it starts to jerk in the cockpit, I know that I will not reach my destination airport.
Yesterday on approach to EDDF after 5 hours…CTD
But fortunately I am not the only one who has these problems :joy:.

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Yup, days of non since the update, started again yesterday…


No CTDs since the Dec 22 update. It’s a good one!

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Same for me. 3 flights this weekend. 2 ended with CTD. The first one happened during final taxi to a gate, the second one - approach phase.

  • no mods
  • latest updates
  • stock A320
  • same stable hardware, no overclocking
  • latest windows 10 with all updates
  • i9, rtx 2080

I haven’t had CTDs since September.
I’m very disappointed with the latest update. :-1:

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No CTD before the update (ever), and no CTD after the update either.

Dunno what the problem is.


Fine after I deleted the CJ4 mod.

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I’ve made several flights since the update… no CTD’s so far!

No CTD‘s from my side since last update.
I only saw, that the Longitude starts rolling again, which was fixed before.

yes I wanna know why is it taking so long to download MSFS I been at it for 43 hours and wow it’s got 92.36GB left WOW

Most common solutions to CTDs so far are to delete the rolling cache if you have it on and/or increase your Virtual Memory to 16GB in Windows if you have less than 32GB of RAM

Only getting one repeated CTD at Dublin. Sometimes on the loading screen, sometimes AT the airport after loading, on approach every time. Tried emptying the community folder, etc. No luck. MANY other successful flights besides. Dublin is just a black eye for me.

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Never had CTD’s before, now I already had 4. Some mid flight, most when closer to the ground.


I only sometimes get CTD’s when loading back to the main menu after a flight

Same here. There is another thread about this with some suggestions:

No CTDs since last update.

I switched off rolling cache and changed my installation from external ssd drive to internal ssd drive.

I get a 15-20 sec pause about once per flight which I’m assuming is some kind of read/write/memory thing but apart from that, pretty solid, which hasn’t been the case in the past, so I’m chuffed. :grin::+1:

No CTD since I get 32GB of RAM.

I only have ever had 1 CTD post game launch. That was due to my Xbox controller’s USB port becoming very loose. That was nearly 4 months ago. None ever since.

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