HP Reverb G2, cockpit shaking since installing windows 11

Same here, but I’m still using Windows 10. If I start VR at first everything is fine. But after a few minutes suddenly everything starts shaking. Then if I quit VR and try to restart MSFS says “The initialization of VR failed. Please check that OpenXR is installed on your computer and your headset can use it.” Well… OpenXR IS installed and i’ve got a Reverb G2, which CAN use it. The game is unplayable in VR for me! Problems like this happen so often after Sim or World Updates. I can’t understand why the devs rush out updates without proper testing. Or why don’t they make updates an open beta until all bugs a sorted out? If MSFS was an early access game these issues would be ok for me, but it isn’t. It is really frustrating!

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At the beginning when everything is working nice I can swap from VR to flat to VR again to flat again and then VR again.

Sometimes it’s working fine for an hour (tested with xcub near my area) then I change to an other aircraft (new FA18, community aircraft or A320) and after 1-2min the bug is coming back.

As soon as the bug comes when I go flat and try VR again it says open xr no headset and can’t VR anymore…

I have to restart the sim, then 5-10min ok and once again… I tried reinstalling openxr, clear the environment, change settings as mentioned, but bug coming again.

Same thing while using the steamvr runtime…

It seems we all have the G2 or G1 in this topic…
Anybody else with a Quest or other headset to try?

I tried to record it but there was a lot of image stabilizer in post edit but you can still see the nameplate + the HUD clearly shaking and not been synced with the object

OK this looks like a different problem than the one I was having. Rather than an annoying shaking or vibration, the whole image and everything in it, cockpit, player nameplates, scenery, would move at different rates and directions as I turned my head making everything into a dizzying blur.

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Figured out the workaround with the ATC window. Next flight ran into this shaking problem on three subsequent flights. Unplayable and frustrating. Tough going back to flat after enjoying VR for a solid hundred hours

No setup changes since SU6 on Win11, where I never encountered anything like this. This hit me with SU7. Reset all the WMR and Sim VR settings to default, but still get the shaking within a few minutes of starting a flight.

Win 11, i7-9700, 32GB, RTX3070, HP Reverb G2, DX11

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Dx 12 is the issue. Win 11 uses Dx 12 only. When I turned on Dx12 Beta, it was totally non-playable, although it did not crash on me!
I guess Asobo does not have enough funding to buy a stupid VR set for beta testing (I doubt if they even tested this new update, more of a downdate and update in my opinion).
Their new motto should be ‘let’s break what works and keep them on their toes for the next so called update’. We spend hours tweaking this sim to our liking and then the update breaks it all. Amazing way to run a business!!
Some of us were lucky enough to be able to buy high end graphics cards before this nonsense artificial shortage was created. Imaging spending more than 3K US dollars to get a high end system and getting disappointed with each so called updates.
My sincere sympathies to those who shelled out thousands of dollars and faced such atrocity.

You sure about that? I was running SU6 under Windows 11 with silky smooth performance. Now under SU7 it’s stuttering like crazy. Looks similar to that F18 video above, but more jitters.

I also have the problem but I am running Windows 10. It’s a bit intermittent as I can occasionally get in a half hour flight without it wacking out. It should be a clue that, when escaping to the menus in VR, the menu is quite stable, but thru the transparency of the menu I can see the sim jumping all around.

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Not sure, just speculating!
With this sim, many things I am not sure about!

Hi everyone,
I had the exact same preblema of shaking after 15/20 in VR and no solution exept restar fs to have oter few minute if flight: my pc is 3080ti with r5 5600x and win11 and G2.
Reinstalled win11 clean, only fs2020, same problem more if I left the VR it gave the problem of the openxr not initialized when i try to reactivate VR.
I simply re-installed the nvida driver and put “on” the virtual cockpit. It would seem that all the problems have been solved. Even the mouse not working to the menus in VR.

Also have the shaking issue in VR on Windows 10 and Reverb G2 :frowning: New to me since SU7. Nvidia driver update didn’t solve it.

What do you mean by puting “on” the virtual cockpit?

Maybe in english version have a differen name: aniway in camera setings (second after graphics) you have a option called “render virtual cockpit” or something similar. if you put this to “On” the mouse is working in VR and i have solved also the shaking.

I find how is in english verion: sould be “home cockpit”

I’ve tried homecockpit on and also the camera shake off but unsuccessful :confused: when it happens and going back to Flat 2D if I move the camera with the joystick or the drone the effect is also the same (nameplates shaking, and some elements) but a lot less than in VR…

Camera shaking since SU7. Significant VR Performance drop since SU7. VR mode can only be enabled once a session (from second attempt it states: Cannot initialize VR …). Mouse / VR Controller cannot activate or click any UI element.

SU7 is a catastrophe! Flight Sim grounded. With SU6 it was a dream. No problems, VR mode worked like a charm.

By the way, I am using Win 10 (NOT Win 11) and still DX11.

Probably i was very lucky in my last try: i made 2 legs of bush trip and a fly with volocopter without any problen, now i have resart pc for do anoter try and i can’t do nothing, G2 always display message “put you headset on” in a black room, i try steamvr that load room but without 6dof movement end FS2020 always say to install openxr. Also first time pres CTRL+TAB. Alredy try reset pc for 3 times

If you use steamvr don’t forget to go to steamvr settings and put it as default runtime for openxr.

I was able to fly 1h with steamvr runtime, no shakiness issue, but the performance is lower than wmr openxr…

Went back to wmr openxr and after 1min bug again…

Has anyone experiencing the odd VR movements tried clearing the WMR environment data? I can’t say that I’ve experienced the exact issue explained in this thread, but I have noticed odd / unintended movement sometimes with my G2. Clearing the environment data generally stops this for a period of time. I had read somewhere that either the headset or WMR has some sort of machine learning algorithm for head tracking that may build up bad environmental data over time. Clearing the data allows it to start building new data.

I sue steamvr only for test wmr.
I try to reinstall wmr:
unplug all g2 cables
uninstall wmr
reset pc
reistall wmr
shout down pc
connect G2’s cable
start pc
All work properly, g2 start in millisecond to show the configuration process.
I made a fly upon new york with volocity and anoter with f18, without any problem.
I try also to exit vr with ctrl+teb many times and always work.
But at this point i don’t know wat will appen when shot down and restart.

It should be a option. Maybe the problem occured when for some reason fail to track position. It will explained the issue i notice with steamvr of no 6dof movement allowed.