HPG H145 Helicopter Base Pack & Action Pack Expansion | Hype Performance Group - Developer Updates & Community Discussion

Seriously just practice. The key is to learn to stationary hovver then just use collective to descend (gradually) back off a bit just before touching down. Watch rotor sim pilots tutorials on Youtube. You will soon get the hang of it.

Re controllers, you donā€™t need anything special to get started using this heli. I have a Hotas One, and it works great. Having a throttle axis for collective is essential though. I donā€™t even use pedals just Hotas Z axis(twist). 100% flyable with that setup.

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Which helicopter does the development team plan to build?

It would be good to have a Bell 206 JetRanger helicopter in top quality. There would be a great need for the type.

Iā€™ve been having dreams of the Kellett-Hughes XH-17 lately.

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Thank you very much for your reply. I would like to thank you for the work of your development team. The H 145 helicopter is amazing. The external visual model is detailed and of very high quality. The cockpit is also very high quality, detailed. I am very happy that this helicopter is complete. I recommend it to all users!

I am confident that your team will build one of the AS 350 Ecureuil B1 / B2 / B3, Bell 206 JetRanger, Bell 407, EC 120 Colibri, BO 105, SA 341 Gazelle helicopters in the future. I would like to see one of the helicopters once as amazing in quality and detail as the H 145. I am willing to pay $ 100 for helicopters made by the high quality Hype Performance Group team.

Thanks again for everything!


Thanks for the kind words, I am only joking about the XH-17 - but it is a very interesting heli. I believe the community will be very excited about the next announcement coming from our team :slight_smile:


Iā€™m very excited. When is the development team planning to announce the new helicopter type?

Maybe the next project isnā€™t a helicopter?

Knowing the creativity of HPG Iā€™m expecting no less than a rocket powered transformer truck/submarine/spacecraft with ballistic missile capability! :grinning:


We do have some very creative ideas on our internal wishlist :wink:

Our first major milestone was to get all 3 variants released and now that weā€™ve done that we are in the polishing phase of the H145 project.

To answer @hhelikopter4891, the community can expect more news from our team in the first half of this year.



Can we get an installer selecting what version to install. Only using the luxury variant and the rest is filling precious SSD space

Love the animated soldiers sitting on the deck when you have the side doors open in the military version. It would be great to be able to have optional passengers in the civilian version.

@AppliedPython94 an installer is not currently planned, I need to look further into what I think could be a possible solution for you.

@Mobias7 weā€™ve had this under consideration since very early in the projectā€™s development cycle - the challenge is doing so at the level of quality we want (same as with the custom pilots). Iā€™m hesitant to make an 100% commitment and get the communityā€™s hopes up - but I do think this is something weā€™ll be able to pull over the finish line, stay tuned :smiley:

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Good luck with it. If you can crack the problem Iā€™m sure it would be much appreciated by the community. There would be some fun possibilities if you could get it to work.

Happy Friday everybody! Weā€™ve released a video previewing the new features and changes you can expect when Beta #10 is released before the end of this weekend!


Hi, I get no rotor downwash effect over dirt, water etc. I have the latest beta version with the downwash effects option set to ā€œonā€ in the tablet. No difference on or off.

Is there another option in the sim that must be enabled as well?

Also, I had this issue in the previous version.

We are pleased to announce that beta 10 is now available!

(Proceed to the H145 Download Center for downloads)

Key changes from beta 9 include brand new rotor downwash effects for dirt/sand/snow/water, additional weapons for H145M, improved rocket launch accuracy for H145M, avionics usability tweaks, flight model and systems improvements for both realism and responding to feedback about increased difficulty hovering.

See the full changelog below:

  • Additional Sim Update 8 Compatibility fixes
  • Add a master arm button, and message list. Weapons are armed when starting on the runway
  • Altitude indicator visual fixes
  • Add dirt and snow rotor downwash effects
  • Reduce downwash effects with ambient precipitation
  • N2/NR smooth transition 55-70-120kias (corrected logic)
  • Flight model: Reduce power when banking
  • Add a minigun to H145M variant
  • Minigun and Rockets may be selected for left and right weapon pods (on tablet action center)
  • Add a secondary fire command (Set Yaw Damper) which will either launch 2 rockets at once or operate the left weapon pod
  • Update AirlandFS profile (reduce wagging at higher speeds)
  • Flight model: Fixes to Weight and DA simulation
  • Flight model: reduce stability in hover
  • Flight model: improve light-on-skids behavior
  • Collective axis precision is increased (no longer using the top 20%, which was only used to exceed aircraft limits previously)
  • Add new rotor downwash effects that are responsive to rotor torque
  • Tweaks to rocket smoke and launch fire effects
  • Add a floats splashing down effect (and a small floats inflating dust effect)
  • Add a new setting (Tablet aircraft options) to choose whether the rotor casts a shadow (creates flicker)
  • Add a clickspot in the open door to make closing cockpit doors easier in VR
  • Middle (pax) doors may be closed by clicking the pillar just aft of the respective door
  • Update rocket smoke effect
  • Add rocket fire effect
  • Add skid strut cap removal for livery authors to H145M
  • Wind indication fixed when in PLN mode on NAVD and DMAP pages
  • Change hotkey to fire rockets to Toggle Yaw Damper instead of Toggle GPS Drives NAV1 to avoid conflicts
  • Avoid caching wallpapers to prevent any confusion
  • Speed up sluggish altitude and TRQ parameters
  • Add a Cleanup button on the tablet to clear all outstanding rockets
  • Add a Reload button to the tablet (same as clicking on the ammo box)
  • Add H:Events for toggling cockpit overhead lights, cleanup rockets, weapon pod types
  • Rockets are now correctly fired from the pods at all orientations (not on ground)
  • Tune rocket impact smoke performance
  • Increase size of rocket impact mark
  • Add ground power unit to all variants
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Do a clean install of the latest H145 update, do not copy, paste and override existing files. The effects are less intense as before but as shown in our latest update video that are quite visible still under the correct conditions.

Thank You

This update is HUGEā€¦HUGEā€¦HUGEā€¦for me. Although, it could have been part of Update 9 - I didnā€™t have a chance to try it before this update was released.

It is now WaaaAAAAAAaaay more predictable and controllable near the ground for pickup, taxiing, and landing. I am once again able to manually control the aircraft with more precision near the ground.

Of all of the addons Iā€™ve purchased for MSFS, this is the only addon that continues to make me feel the excitement, as if I just purchased a new addon - with each of its update releases. It is truly shocking how many detailed features are bundled into this product. I am absolutely stunnedā€¦again.


Totally agree! this shows what is possible in this sim and I could not recommend this enough for anyone on the fence, even if you donā€™t normally like helicopters (I wasnā€™t bothered before I tried this) - very nice addon and just getting better and better.

Such kind words, you guys are making the team cry tears of joy :sob:

Very happy you all are enjoying the latest update, we truly aim to make every update better than the last and as always we are so appreciative the community allowed us to develop the H145 through this early access project. It has allowed us to quickly respond to feedback and implement changes.