I am shocked, but not surprised, about all the negative comments here

totally agree with the post. no game is going to bee 100 and one as complex and breathtaking as this is going to have small tiny issues

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Hey ■■■■■ we cannot install the game at all so before you think without a brain do your research first the work rounds are not working. I went as far as to format and delete all partitions and reinstall windows to the PC factory specs its not a user’s issue it is on their end. Where are you coming up with 5-10% try 45% THAT CANNOT INSTALL IT and it has nothing to do with working features we know and except that a small percentage that needs work or will be unfinished that’s with every new game!

I’ve not whinged here as the game performs really poorly on my PC and I’ve not had the fortune of being able to play it properly but I can only say one thing - I am tired of being a beta tester. I am tired of already knowing that things will be broken if I buy a game on day one. I am tired of glitches that people find within the first five minutes of their gameplay. I am tired of day one patches. I am tired of games costing $70, $90 or more. I am tired of companies not giving a d**n about any of us. Tired, tired, tired.

MSFS is no better and no worse than other games. It is clear that it was rushed out the doors just to cash in on the hype. It is clear that developers knew very well about all the issues yet started selling the game and it is clear that it will take absolute ages to get it fixed.

$1 on Game Pass or not is irrelevant. We’re being treated like s**t by companies and this culture needs to stop. If we sit here, with our arms crossed, just lapping up everything that we’re given and keeping quiet then nothing will ever change. Nothing! People need to voice their concerns, games need bad reviews and companies need backlash because if none of that happens you get MSFS in its current state every single time a new game comes out.

If that’s what you want them I pity you as your standards are subpar. We should always strive for something better, not just accept things the way they are and be happy that we’re lucky to be able to play this amazing game N months earlier. For crying out loud, people - wake up.

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Ironically, I did apply to be a beta tester. Me Not worthy though…
Oddly, I am ex Flight mech, ex games dev, and current mil. flight sim modeller…
perhaps that’s why. :slight_smile:

EDIT: BTW. This is nothing compared to some of the micro transaction pay / gamble to win unfinished pos games that are currently making the rounds. TBH, its pretty normal for sims. They usually end up getting fixed eventually, unless you count FSW, which was unceremoniously dumped once they earned enough cash on steam pre-sales. Hopefully MS will not do that.

I came to this forum to try and figure out what “Please wait…” that I’m seeing for the first hour of this game means.

If it means that I paid 100$ to look at “Please wait…” with a useless “Pause” button, then I’m definitely gonna whine. It’s a disgrace that a trillion-dollar company sells such an expensive product that isn’t capable of working on current-year mid-high-end hardware with a decent Internet connection, to the point of it failing to start downloading files.

What bothers me even more is how you take it upon yourself to judge people who are having real issues. If you have none - good for you, go back to playing it! Invalidating people’s experiences like that, however, is a scumbag move.


I think you’ve managed to bring out some of the whiners in this post :laughing: . MSFS is a platform, a world that will be ever changing and growing as there becomes a mesh with third parties and Asobo/MS. It’s a massive collaboration that most of the whiners don’t seem to grasp - they’re used to a lower standard of back-end system complexities and external partnerships within development phases, so they’re already pre conditioned to react when that tiny bit doesn’t work like it should. While I hope this small group of people don’t end up leaving the game, I’m not going to say I’m sad if they do. I’d much prefer a community who fully understands what MSFS is intended to provide long term as a simulator and its potential which far surpass any competitor currently. I’m happily flying around patiently waiting for various patches to come out, and will continue to do so throughout the life time of the sim.


Whoa… careful on that high horse pard.

I personally love this sim I really feel like I’m flying.


Totally agree, I have used every flight sim since the first. None of them even comes close to this latest and none worked half as well from first release as MSFS.
I think it is fantastic and I am excited about how this is going to develop.


I do understand that people that cannot install the game are really pissed now. It is really crappy to release a game with an installer that seems to fail for so many user and it should have been tested better. Request a refund and go back to playing whatever simulator you like better. Come back and buy the game in a year when it will be a lot better. Or wait until they get it fixed - because it naturally will get fixed. But if this is the number 1 group of whiners here, I still can’t understand why they come here every day trashing every thread and spreading hate?

The group I have problems with is members of the “flight sim community” that have played simulators for ages and bought expensive hardware etc. Now they notice that the airliners really are released in some version 0.4 state with half of the functionality missing, or they get stutters over New York etc. The default aircraft have always been ■■■■ in every other civilian simulator from the “real study sim perspective”, so this is no exception. But if they have any holistic capability they surely must see that this really IS the next gen core engine simulator we have been waiting for? They still come here in the same way as the people that cannot install, trashing all the threads and trying all they can to make this game fail as the negativity here naturally hurts the sales - and the commitment from MS management to really get back into the flight simulator business.

To me at least it is very obvious that MS management learnt a lesson after the Flight fiasco and really tried this time to please us simulator fans. And naturally at the same time trying to make a product that reaches new audiences as well. But to say that the greedy MS has given us an X-box arcade game instead of a simulator is simply wrong. Look at the missions and challenges. No silly hoops to fly around or aerocaches. The core of the game right now is the classic MS Flight Simulator with the whole world available, where we can select any airport and take off - with aircraft that for the GA ac actually work very much like the real world models. That certainly is not the arcade gamer approach.

And for the crowd here that state that we paid 1,60,120 dollars and we have every right to trash all the threads we like as the game is not working as we demand it work, and MS is a trillion dollar company so this is totally unacceptable. And us that don’t whine are just idiots as the way to make things happen is to whine, cry and try to trash the product in all social media… Well, I have managed large and successful development teams for many years and the “users” that behave that way instead of constructive feedback do get way less attention. Period. So if you want the problems fixed - write good reports using the bug reporting tool. If there are 10.000 users doing it, I am pretty sure that MS will put that on number 1 on the priority list. And with a number of good and constructive reports that will help the developers fixing them. And they will be fixed. But no - as you feel so offended that you can’t run the game right now - you don’t care that this is the simulator that we will have as the base platform for civilian simulation for 10+ years, and the ****storm now is what can make MS pull out of the simulation business instead. But that is what you want as you are so upset that you paid $60 and it is not working NOW? You really think that whining is what makes “these evil large corporations listen to us consumers”. And you having done such a massive investment have every right to trash this forum as much as you like, and the rest of us are stupid capitalist puppies that do not understand how the world works…

We do, and you truly are not part of the flight sim community that I want to be part of at least…


On reddit someone has posted some screenshots of a 737-400 that looks terrific. Good things are coming. Flight sim has always been great because of the community. Good Times are coming…

Imaging yourself buying a new mobile phone, and you are not able to switch it on 90% of the time, and when turned on, the messenger wouldn´t work either. Would you whine and return the phone or would you keep it to wait for an update at a date no dev is able to tell?

So it´s a little bit cheesy to dismiss the critics as whiners, isn´t it?

The main problem, in recent times half-baked software is thrown into the market because it seems easy to patch after release. I personally prefer devs that delay release and release their product with relatively little issues (like RDR2 for PC) a few months later. But to be honest, I always swear not to buy software on release, and I repeat that mistake over and over again… :slight_smile:


Out of curiosity - those users who are missing developer presence…
If I was a developer from the MSFS team, what would you tell me, and would would you expect me to tell?

OK bottom line folks. The “real simmers” say stop “whining”. They own this forum and the right to comment on the new messiah. You have been warned. No whining allowed, otherwise MS will take their ball back.
Give me a break.

I’m not overly concerned with the way the sim is going, but I am concerned that the self entitled few on this forum, seem to feel they have the right to tell people that ARE having issues, should essentially just “go back to where they came from”.

I see this sim as a way to get many more people into the Genre, like others such as DCS World are doing, and that can sometimes be a bit painful, especially if they are not “Real Simmers”, whatever that means. To do that, we must listen, encourage and educate, NOT berate them for being whiners and noobs. If you want to see how to do it, head over to the BMS forums where the main aim is to HELP people and explain why certain things are or are not happening, preferably with good humour and wit .

People do have complaints. This IS a public forum for General Discussion & feedback, so I’m afraid that the “whiners” have as much right to do that as the “Real Simmers” tm. so please feel free to follow your own advice & just get over it or go away for a year until people stop “whining”.

Now where did I leave my meds…


just one thing. some of us have been seeing this type of faith on these forums for the last 8 months.

and here we are.

before it was “im sure it will be fixed by beta”, then “im sure it will be fixed by release”, now it’s “im sure it will be fixed in the next 10 years”

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There are developers from at least 6 different companies involved in MFS, that we know of. I’m sure the number is higher if you take the different libraries used into consideration. Do you expect them all to stop doing the real work (or even vacation time) and come in here and start interacting with you? Get real. This product is very complex. We’ll be lucky if the bug reports get quickly and correctly routed to the people who can actually fix them in the first place.

Right. Here we are, with the first patch imminent within the week, addressing the biggest show-stopping issues. Seems like a good start to me.

Odd. When I worked in the games industry, we somehow found time to visit forums and interact with people. Often it was just to be insulted, but that’s why you employ people - with people skills - to do the “customer facing” jobs, such as respond on the forums that you have set up to encourage discussion of your product. At the very least, you have a producer or three moderating the thing, and stepping in when things get out of hand to put forward the party line. Not relying on “Tech Alpha Insiders”, who are supposed to be on an NDA.

I think this sim was built by Micky Mouse and Donald Duck what a load of rubbish $100.0 down the drain

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I am really enjoying MSFS2020. Yes it has bugs, but I am lucky that I have not had any of the showstoppers that some users are enduring. I am pleased to see that the first patch is being devoted to getting the sim playable for all users. Once they have those ironed out, they can then concentrate on the various cockpit switch issues and scenery issues (like cars not using bridges and floating on water) etc.

Also I am looking forward to the various scenery updates and aeroplane add ons that the community will create. MS and Asobo have in my opinion created a sandbox environment that once it is ironed out and working well, will be an amazing opportunity for home coders and small developers to create content to allow us to tailor the Sim to our desires.

I think this sim is a work in progress and for a first pass it is pretty good. I have spent a while setting up Joystick Gremlin to allow me to have my Warthog HOTAS and Crosswind pedals give what I consider a pretty realistic set of controls (I need to ask my BA pilot neighbour over for a beer so he can confirm or deny this).
I have been following another game called Star Citizen from it’s announcement back in 2012 and have seen the issues and pitfalls that can cause major issues to developers when putting together a huge game like MS2020. Maybe that is why I am not too fussed about the current bugs. They will be fixed, ironed out, new bugs may be introduced, but they will also get patched out.

In the meantime I’ll just tool around in my Shock Ultra, landing in stupidly tight spaces, looking at the pretty images and seeing a bit of the world.