I just flew over Rio and ran into birds(condors/vultures) flying while I was in the Tecnam P2006T.
Scattered clouds around 5pm summer.
Wish I had recorded it as it was a beautiful moment.
MSFS could never replace my FSX setup for now.
Yeah wish I switched to P3D years ago… But by the time I got serious on switching, realizing the benefits, I was deep in $$$ with FSX. So I just stayed there…
My problem with P3D was as the updates rolled along they continued to break payware mods.
I had to stop at V3 after that.
I’m also far too heavily invested in FSX to switch over.
I still love flying my fleets of rotary and fixed wing payware and I also still love my boats and cars in FSX.
Yep, at the moment I’m enjoying my p3d! Flew from Bogota to miami in my qw 757 in dhl aero expresso. Having a blast!! Return flight to cargo base, panama city! Would never get this in msfs now, wait for jets like that to come…
Wow, thats excellent!! Keep us alive till msfs sorts out!!
When I fire up FSX it just makes me sad about how many features that were carefully added and maintained, for good reason, Asobo chose to just throw out the window.
Excellent and complete training and documentation readily available in the sim
Multiple camera views on one multiple screens
Flyby, tower, and ground camera views
Missions more complex then just landing or flying from A to B
Helicopters, gliders, fighter jets, and fun vintage aircraft in the base sim
Supersonic flight
A robust replay recording system
Avionics that were reliable and worked and had things like the ‘OBS’ button on the G1000 (often used in real world flying) working
Support for real world IFR procedures like vectors-to-final
Working SimConnect APIs for things like weather, airport info, etc
Easy updates to the instrument panels on aircraft, allowing for integration of better paid Garmin add-ons with a couple of clicks of an installer.
I’m slowly seeing fancy graphics aren’t as important for me and don’t hold my attention as much I 'd thought in flight simulations.
Check out my FSX and MSFS adventures here…more to come
The last flight sim I played was MSFS 2000!
Needless to say I am very impressed by the sim and am enjoying it greatly.
I’m seriously gonna fly every mission in FSX again in VR.
Should give them a totally new experience.
Especially that UFO Intercept and Rhino Rescue mission.
Gonna fly up close and give that UFO spaceship and the Rhino poachers in that pickup truck chase the middle finger.
I too consider installing another simulator, not sure if it would be P3D or XP, maybe both !
I was taking great delight in MSFS2020 too, until the latest WU III UK that broke a lot of things.
May I ask if you can share an in-game A321 screenshot ? not sure if you fly that airliner, tho.
What I would love to know and be answered is… with all the PG graphics/Bing data switched of in MSFS 2020 how does it compare to FSX? Like for like. Because if MSFS is just purely being sold and bought for the ‘looks’ then do we have a game or a sim?
Just a question!!!
It still beats default FSX on textures alone with PG/Bing data turned off.
Again MSFS’s modern lighting,ambient occlusion,shadows and modern object/terrain textures is what gives it it’s magic.
You give me the light shafts,terrain,cockpit shadows and ambient occlusion/lighting and overall better use of GPU/CPU memory in FSX and I would not need a new sim at all.
An interesting comparison, but remember to compare it to fsx as it was 6 months after release in early 2007.
I also have very fond memories of early PC computer games, and when I go back and look at what it actually looked like in an emulator etc. I’m always “holy heck this looks unplayably awful” lol. How quickly we get accustomed to the latest technologies.
the default FSX scenery is VERY dated now. You probably wouldn’t want to waste your time, unless you were looking for the nostalgia factor. The default included planes were also very basic, i never even used them. There are a number of vendors who made improved planes, airports, texture packs and mesh data. You can even do photo based scenery but then you are stuck in a season. Photo looks great from up high, not so much close.
FSX with some add-ons from Orbx, FlyTampa, Rex, etc. you can get it looking much better. But at the end of the day, 99% of the scenery is auto-gen with just the major cities and roads close to real. And you also just spent many times over what the original game cost in addons. That being said, if you’re up at FL36 it’s not a bad trip.
UPDATE: Forgot this major issue for those thinking about FSX. FSX is 32 bit, and because of that it can’t address more then 2GB of memory (actually less). So you really need to be mindful of memory usage, or you have the dreaded OOM (out of memory crash). It’s a shame, as memory seems to be the only limit for a community that has made a ton of free and payware addons.
There’s no going back, we need to keep pushing for MSFS2020 improvements and community support!
I wouldn’t touch FSX in 2021 without
Flyinside VR
ORBX Vector
FSX Shade
Numerous FSDT,Flytampa,TropicalSim,ORBX, Sceneries
Traffic 360
REX SkyForce 3D
REX 4 Texture Direct
Those are just for the scenery/graphical visuals and easily over $600 all together.
Payware aircraft is a whole other expense report.
A truly uplifting thread and I thank you all for it. The GTN750 will drag me back to FSX for ever, but there is so much to be said for the sense of perspective that this thread offers. A breath of fresh air.
like what?? i see not much change, only london is not so nice, but i dont fly there.
msfs is soo much betetr than any of the old ones, but i understand for not too savvy pc
people its maybe too difficult.
the userfriendlines is kinda low, yes.