"ILS Approach" and "IFR Test" flight training bug

Same problem here… Sad…

Same Issue… Latest 2 lessons alway fail when the wheels touches runway.

Same issue here even with autopilot.

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I can also confirm.
Objectives state “Land at Sumburgh”, but regardless of centerline, how far into the runway and regardless of touchdown FPM, the mission always fail at the moment of touchdown with the message “Watch out” (and the failure dialog is shown a few seconds after).


I have tried the ILS training with both G1000’s and same issue. I get the “Watch Out” audio just before I apparently crash. I’m a rw Instrument rated pilot and this is not an issue with my approach or configuration. I’ve tried coming in high, low, fast, slow and everywhere in between, even landing further down the runway and in every case I apparently crashed so I’m not even gonna try the flight test. That one is hard enough in real life :slight_smile: I hope Asobo gets a patch on this one ASAP


I’ll add an addition. The VOR Basics lesson can’t be performed. The green VOR needle never appears on the HSI. No way you can pass this section.

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For that one you need to not use the G1000 mod. It is possible to complete with the mod (by hitting the CDI button to switch from GPS to NAV mode) but the triggers won’t happen correctly and it will give you a really bad score. You’re better off just disabling that mod to do this mission

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Yes, the G1000 mod is the culprit here. I’ve run the VOR and NDB lessons with and without the mod. If you have the MOD then yes you have to know how to configure the CDI. These issues came up with the original FSAcadamy IFR lessons as well so it shouldn’t be a surprise to them.

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#PC – also getting same bugs in the same training flights as original poster. The training flights have been really enjoyable. I hope these ones will be fixed soon.

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Yup. I’m trying to learn ILS basics, encountering this bug. I land perfectly on 1000 feet markers but it fails.

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Unfortunately same on Xbox :frowning:


Same experience as others, after repeated attempts. It has nothing to do with the quality of the landing. Obviously a bug. I’m glad I’m not alone.

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same issue here with the ILS Approach training.
Following instructions, smooth landing and “Watch out! / Lession failed” on every attempt.

Hoping for a fix soon and even more Flight Training Lessons, cause I love the working ones!

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Hi there I am having the same issue…

Hello all,

If you are using the WT G1000 NXi, we have not yet made it compatible with these lessons. We recommend you do not use it while flying these lessons. This is not the fault of the sim developers.

As it is an early access product, it may not always yet be fully compatible with all sim features. We plan to add lesson compatibility in time.

-Matt | Working Title


Same problem. Microsoft Store version PC/ Non-Dev mode/ up-to-date build.

Same here. “Watch out” then fail.
No add-ons just the game updated to latest version.


Same here, it doesn’t matter how perfect your approach and landing is, it will always fail with a “Watch out” remark from the instructor and no points at the end of the lesson.


Same here, the lesson never ends. I’ve tried it several times but cannot complete the lesson, even when flying (almost) exactly on the numbers.


same issue here. Following the ils closely and smooth landing but still get failed without further details.
It’s an annoying bug for sure.


note: the mission is by FS Academy and not Asobo according to content manager.

( rel , module Flight Training IFR NAV ILS 0.1.9)