Improve handcrafted airports

What a strange POV you have…

We paid 60$ for 10 extra handcrafted airports, and then you say I should still buy them to get a better experience? Why would I buy the premium versions in the first place then?

(and the free handcrafted airports are supposed to make you want to buy the premium versions right?)

What we’re asking is still miles from payware quality though. I don’t think it’s too hard for them to put in taxi lines where they belong, adjust the jetbridges to they have somewhat the same shape as IRL.

Again, for something you paid extra for?

And then I’m not even talking about them not fixing bugs in the airports:

So, why would we spend money on something we in the end still have to buy a better version for? Sure it’s only 3$ per airport/aircraft. (including the airports we don’t care about) But that’s 3$ you spent on an airport where compared to the autogen version you now have taxi lines missing and such. 3$ you spent on an airport you will in the end have to spend 20$ to buy a good version.
I don’t really need the payware quality, but definitely something better than this.