Over the past several months of flying in MSFS, the wind gusts in live weather seem to have a similar frequency everywhere – regardless of terrain, altitude, etc. Additionally, the amplitude of each gust seems to be nearly identical. The wind speed value appears to oscillate back and forth between a minimum and maximum value several times per minute. I suspect this variation is too extreme.
In the United States (which I am most familiar with), the standard timeframe for observing wind gusts is 10 minutes. As an example, if a METAR reports winds of 28012G26KT, it is quite common for the 26 knot gust to be an anomalously strong gust that occurred several minutes before the observation. When I fly in MSFS, I get the sense that live weather is creating maximum gusts several times per minute. If the METAR reports gusts to 26 knots, those peak gusts will occur in the sim very frequently and rapidly. In the real world, the strongest gusts generally occur once every several minutes, with smaller amplitude gusts on shorter time scales. Gusts can also last for multiple seconds in the real world, while in MSFS, they always seem to last for less than a second.
I would suggest adjusting the gust model with much more varied behavior – many small variations in speed on a second-by-second basis, a few large peaks occurring every several minutes, and several intermediate peaks on the sub-minute time scale. Ideally, this should be randomized, rather than following a predictable pattern.