IndiaFoxtEcho F35 Lightning

Just like this YT vid displaying the F 35 at it’s best and especially the Vapour effects
This one also shows off the C 17.


lol these guys edited out the landing gear from the preview image.

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Never let the Truth get in the Way of a good Story !

Bird & Fortune - Admiral Sir George Parr - YouTube

ps.Most definitely a perfect demonstration of a Quick Response Departure !

Any ETA on xbox release?
Can’t wait to get my hands on this aircraft

This s from IndiaFoxtTecho Current Roadmap For 2022-23

F-35 Lightning II
As for the Marketplace / XBox Release, we have passed the first check (formal package structure, information etc.) and the aircraft is undergoing functional tests in Microsoft. We’ll keep you posted.

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I just wonder if it just me who notice a performance impact with the F35. No other Plane seems to lower the Performance like this plane and i have alot of Planes.

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It definitely knocks a good few FPS off of my general performance. Its still totally flyable but I can see why the Xbox might struggle with it.

If you go into dev mode and enable Nano VG you should get quite a performance boost. Just make sure to do it before loading your flight as any change to this setting during an active flight will reload the plane and cause issues as reloading planes in real-time is currently bugged.

Interesting stuff. I lose nothing with this aircraft.

Current situation with maxed settings in 4K over Cuba.

Just a heads up. I bought this mod from simMarket, and they require you to install their App (like orbx central, i suppose) to get the updates. I am not going to buy it twice, and I am certainly not going to install their app.


So you’re going to cease using SimMarket and never upgrade what you’ve bought there? Seems logical…


It’s the only mod I have from there. So I’m only abandoning the F-35.

ok,i didn’t know that and i will stop buying from this site now. :rage:

so, i wrote Simmarket, that made me really upset! i don’t let me blackmail!

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You do realize that the app was made to make it easier for you to update your purchased products? You are all worked up over nothing. Not sure why you think you need to buy it twice…got your panties in knot over nothing.


Update 1.0.4 available now!

Indiafoxtecho - Home | Facebook

NOTAM - With apologies to our Norwegian fans and customers, unfortunately version 1.0.3 of the F-35 did not contain the Kongelige Norske Luftforsvaret livery for the F-35. We are repackaging the files and will release 1.0.4 in the next few hours.
We are also taking the chance to fix a couple of minor issues, and add two much requested features: the possibility to toggle the HUD CAGE option and the GCAS system (ground collision - this will toggle the ALOW and PULL UP cues).

New version will be sent to all of our vendors shortly with the usual lead times.

Full change log here:
VERSION 1.0.4 - Minor update

  • Restored Norwegian livery
  • Temporarily removed poligons for video rendering (as they are causing issues with third party mods)
  • Added HMD CAGE / UNCAGE functionality (in HUD page)
  • Added option to turn off GCAS (and all ground proximity warnings)
  • Solved minor bug in HUD/HMD XML script
  • Reorganization of 3d model files
  • Fixed bug preventing PULL UP cues to show on PCD in certain configurations
  • Unified GCAS warnings

However, I notice the new app does not save my login info, e-mail address and password. PITA.

If I fire up the old Simmarket software, it leads thru a link to my purchases in the new app without having to waste time with the account sign-in using only the new app. ■■■?

Are you sure? There’s probably a setting you forgot to enable. It has mine saved.

1.03 with the enhancement mod is better than 1.04. In case anyone is wondering what HUD CAGE is, it’s fixing the HUD in a centered position instead of it moving off-center to the left or right during flight.

The enhancement mod just got updated. Now it should work with 1.04.

Not sure what is happening on your end. I entered my login info at initial install and have not had to enter it since. I have been using it for a couple of weeks now. I have also noticed that downloads seem to be much quicker with the app.

US cut back procurement of the F35 by ~25% today.