I don’t know if this is the right place to report issues with the F-35 mod or not but here it goes:
I noticed that the F-35A (the CTOL variant) is too powerful where for example if can reach supersonic speeds close to Mach 1.4 without ever using the afterburner. This is not accurate since the F-35 (all variants) should require afterburner to break the sound barrier (Mach 1.0). At the same time it stalls and loses control a bit too easily on sharp turn which is odd for an aircraft that can attain 50 degrees AoA without losing control.
But the oddest thing of all is that the F-35C (Carrier variant) does seem to be quite “spot on” and accurate! For instance and as opposed to the F-35A, the F-35C seems only to be able to break the sound barrier when using afterburner, it reaches its top speed of Mach 1.6 quite well and rather quickly like the real aircraft and better yet, after flying at high speeds like Mach 1.4 or Mach 1.6 and then throttled down to MIL power (afterburner “turned off”) it can maintain a speed of Mach 1.2 like the real aircraft.
So its funny and interesting that at the same time that the F-35C flight model and performance is very good, the F-35A is not. This is even stranger since both aircraft are not that much different in terms of handling and performance where the “only” diference between both variants would be that the F-35A has better acceleration while the F-35C has better turning capability at slow speeds and lower stall speed.
Resuming, I wish/request that IFE fixes the F-35A in this regard.
That statement is incorrect, supercruise is the ability to remain supersonic without the need for afterburners, but in order to break the sound barrier you must use afterburners. An F-22 can maintain high supercruise speeds without AB, but to get there, it needs to activate afterburners.
Another examples are the Concorde and the SR-71 which were the aircraft that could travel the longest time and distance in supercruise. But and also both these aircraft needed to use afterburner in order to reach supersonic speeds and then they would throttle back to non-afterburning power in order to maintain supersonic speeds.
And yes, while the F-35 has supercruise capability (maintain Mach 1.2 without afterburner) it needs to use afterburner to break the sound barrier like other supercruising aircraft.
hi, in current model autoflaps and autotrim doesn’t work, so you have to use a trick for takeoff/landing - airbrake mod will do most aggressive airlifting config max forward flaps max backward flaps rudder stabilizators for create max climb moment, so for now it’s only one rational way is use airbrake bind for take up and touch ground. and that’s works perfect. take care of thrust with that config because this is not only max lift config this is max air drag config
Eagerly awaiting proper Flybywire update and more. Any way we could get a Canadian livery tossed into the pack? Nato upgrading everywhere and be nice to get a few more countries onboard. Kind of curious if the real F35 can shoot an RNP approach anyone know?
after some conversation with author on facebook, try some take off and landing without use air brake config, and everything working, just have to use normal angle of approach for stay in normal aoa for autoflaps works as intended. i love some dive style and use more g force than engine, but some aircraft don’t like it:)
They have to build a special Xbox version. This takes time. And It seems like indiafoxtecho are working whole the time on PC updates instead of the Xbox Version.
Working on an update for the PC which will form the baseline for the Xbox version…
This PC update 1.06 is reliant on SU9
From their FB page.
XBOX - We have managed to significatively shrink the memory footprint of the F-35 down to approximately 730Mb. This is still way above the Asobo models (which are 200 to 300Mb) but should be manageable. However, while the Microsoft/Asobo team thinks that this is the main problem, frankly we are not totally convinced this is the only issue with XBox compatibility, as there may be other things we have not identified yet.
The plan is to first complete the 1.0.6 improvements on PC and use it as baseline for a new XBox version - which will need to be tested by Microsoft.
If anyone is interested, I’ve released a small mod that will give you the full weapons loadout by default. That way, you don’t need to manually set the payload weight for each station every time you want to fly on this aircraft. It also renamed the station names to their actual weapon name in the loadout.
Is there a way to do automatic ILS approaches with the F-35, well I think there is because I did it a few days ago but for life of me I cannot do it again! I have the ILS frequency set and ILS is showing in white and i have selected ILS on the control thing am I missing anything, normally I would hit apr or something in other aircraft but that feature is not on the F-35 autopilot.
Not in the aircraft at the moment but if memory serves me right
If you have the correct ILS frequency set…I think it’s NAV (VOR) setting on the Autopilot instead of ROUTE (RTE) which is for GPS you need to set.
Also if i remember the NAV (VOR) ils setting only gives directional guidance onto the ils glidepath and you still have to control the Vertical descent yourself.
When I’m back on my computer can double check and confirm
Hope this helps
Ex tenebris
Anyone know how to disable the ICAWS warning? I want to fly the F-35 on a Low-Altitude Canyon Run. But the blaring GPWS and Pull up warning is making me lose my focus.
Click the blue text just below the altimeter reading to the left of the time. GCAS is on your right when the menu comes up. Turn it off to stop the warnings.