The update is out on SimMarket. Go check it out! I’m downloading it now. 1.69GB.
Anyone knows about change log?
you can found this at facebook page of the guys you do this. but better wait and have a great surprise. thanx your question i find and now can’t wait, and probably will not can to sleep till orbx update to 1.07(this is not typo)
Well, I don’t use fb and most likely never will, so can some kind soul copy them here?
But you are right that if I don’t notice them by myself, then they are not important to me.
Here is the changelog from FB page of IndiaFoxTecho, cheers
Change log:
1.0.7 Hotfix
solved minor texturing glitch on F-35A cockpit
solved minor texturing glitch on F-35C cockpit
slight change to default sensor configuration
sensor imagery now does not work on battery only (like IRL)
1.0.6 Quality of Life improvement
Fixed bug in PULL UP PCD cues
Fixed minor mistake in PCD 3D model
General graphics optimization for lower memory consumption
Removed duplicated texture files
Removed unnecessary files
Removed outdated HUD/HMD code
Replaced landing light with better LED light effect
Increased luminosity of afterburner exhaust
Solved minor bug while toggling full screen mode on Portal 2
Draft implementation of DAS (downward camera only)
Draft implementation of FLIR (via synthetic vision)
Draft implementation of ASR terrain mapping function
Added automatic retraction of speed brake at high AoA and changed RPM limit to 90% for automatic retraction
Disabled usage of the F-35 model as AI traffic
Fixed minor geometry error in control stick model
Fixed minor mistake in PCD checklist
Fixed bug that allowed launch bar, tailhook and wing fold operation with aircraft not powered
Electrical power is now required for canopy movement, IFR probe extraction and weapon door operation
Fixed bug preventing correct PCD operation if in SWAP mode and IFF pop-up was selected
Fixed several typos in cockpit labels
Added departure and destination waypoints in TSD screen
Fixed bug preventing NAV SOURCE selection on Portal 3
Added NAV SOURCE selection functionality also to TSD screens
Fixed bug preventing Transpoder State to be correctly diplayed in identification menu
Transpoder state can now be manually set in the identificaton menu
Fixed bug preventing CDI needle to move correctly in EFIS page
Fixed incorrect movement scale of CDI needle
Fixed bug causing limited rudder pedal animation in some cases
Added special effects from SU9 (wing vapor, low altitude, etc.)
Added speed-brake deployment indication on HUD
Fixed modeling bug preventing tail formation lights geometry to show
Added 06-01 Italian Air Force livery
Added F-35I Test Bed Israeli Air Force Livery
Fixed minor mistakes in F-35C liveries
More realistic drag versus Mach profile in the transonic region
Tweaks to handling characteristics to limit max G forces and improve low speed handling and turn capability
Tweaks to autoflap schedule for better maneuverability in certain circumstances
Full intergration between external model and cockpit model (better cockpit detail in external views, and lower video memory footprint)
Fixed minor glitch in FCS wing status symbology for C variant
Changed surface deflection symbology on FCS page (now closer to reality)
Minor geomerty and texture fixes to F-35B model
Minor smoothing glitch fixed in A and B models
Improved canopy glass material
Fixed helmet visor animation bug
Improved pilot textures
Fixed animation glitch in steering mechanism (C-version)
Integrated “Better Camera Mod” by Archer374
Added camera-dependant visibility conditions to HMD to eliminate overlap with PCD
Revised instrument overlay for external views
HMD now defaults to “CAGED” mode
Added arms and legs animations to pilot figure
Pilot figure can now be toggled in cockpit by clicking the venting port
Solved minor bug when toggling full screen mode
Major optimization of cockpit collision mesh
Fixed minor AO glitch in crew access ladder (C model)
Added L: variables list to the manual, for reference of third party modders
Fixed minor glitch in page tags if SRCH mode was selected
Fixed minor bug causing incorrect graphics of POP-UP FUEL page in some instances.
Draft implementation of V/S BIT
Altitude Hold not working…? Speed Hold and RTE working fine but the aircraft will not seek the set Altitude. What am I doing wrong? I am assuming it is something that I am doing wrong… The AP is dropping occasionally also… Any Ideas? Using the A model…
same, i have 140 mod, do you? may be that’s interfere
No mod installed… The manual says that once Altitude Hold is engaged, the VS will be held until the altitude is achieved. I was climbing at 3000 fps and engaged the Altitude Hold and it just slowly descends…
same, set 36000 but ac go down, then reset 36000 when ap alt hold was active, same. before some time was need to reset for autopilot catch it, now no chance it’s just push nose down, but i have one more question, when i play with autopilot i didn’t reset trim on the mfd… don’t sure any more, may be i does lol. any way it can be cause in theory, my trim was for nose up, and autopilot could try to set opposite trim and… i don’t know really
The B model works just fine… I’ll try the C model … Definitely a problem with the CTOL model. The B works great…
It is only the A model with the “Altitude Hold” problem. The B and C models work just fine…
As a workaround, you can stay in VS mode and set it to 0 ft/min, often better than Alt hold
is it normal that i have to trim the plane to 11 to fly straight?
Can’t wait for this to drop for XBox pilots. This is the only aircraft in the foreseeable future that I’m waiting for. (I was an impatient idiot yesterday and purchased the Bredok F-22 . . . and I should’ve known better . . . and I don’t even really have a fondness for that aircraft like I do the F-35. Wasted my money.)
Anyway . . . can’t wait for the F-35 to drop for us console-flyers. Planning to get it as soon as it drops for Xbox.
If you want a good F-22, wait for the premium one from Top Mach Studio
Their free version (available on PC only cuz getting it from is already a good one.
And as a rule of thumb, don’t get anything from Bredok, it’s mostly bad work and isn’t worth the price…
Now you tell me . . .
1.08 is now out on SimMarket.
Does this f35 have the Asobo afterburner effects implemented?
I’m interesting in getting this but one thing that I’m not sure about is how much do you rely on the mouse to operate the F35?
I see a lot of the controls are on the touchscreen upfront, which is nice on the real jet but might be annoying in the sim. And AFAIK you can’t pop out a screen onto a touchscreen yet (which would make this so amazing).
Maybe someone can speak to this and give me some insight
There are afterburner effects but not implemented the same way.
Less dramatic I would say.