Is reporting bugs for msfs 2024 worthy?

I am just wondering what is the “success” rate when reporting bugs for msfs 2024.
Do developers have some kind of list and priority based on users feedback or is it just plain business schedule, regardless of what people complain about?
Yes, I know that some bugs get identified and written up for fixing but I guess nobody knows when.
I think that is related to developers/owners of the business little responsiveness to forum posts.
What is your experience in that matter?
I am relatively new here so I was wondering what are your observations.
Thank you!


I’m sure a moderator can answer this better, but they do have a voting system which maybe considered when prioritizing bug fixing (You can vote on bugs you want to be prioritized). Also they have a “feedback-logged” tag for the topics they know about and “bug-logged” tag for the ones they confirmed and I suppose got in backlog.

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Voting system you mean by developers/owners, correct?
Logically thinking, the most user voted problems should be fixed first but in business scheme of things, that does not work, I assume.

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Personal Comments and Observations

Every software developer has a backlog - i.e., a list of things to analyze, ingest, triage and potentially fix. This is true for MSFS (wearing my other hat as a staffer for one of the Partner Devs) and the studios that support the core sim.

Bug Reports received on this forum have a status - feedback logged → Dev Team has received notice of the report, and Bug Logged → meaning Dev Team was able to successfully reproduce the defect and are adding it to the backlog.

I look at it this way (since I’m a QA staffer for my studio) - if you don’t report it, the Devs can’t know about it.

But saying something seems broke is not enough. There’s actually quite a bit of quality work on the part of the reporter to get a proper report filed with enough information - and that’s where most folks give up. Job 1 is giving enough information about the defect in order for someone else that you’ve never talked to before the ability to reproduce the defect - consistently. Job 2 is to reduce enough variability (i.e., is it a controller problem? If so, remove the controllers and only use KB/M - does it still happen) in order to boil the defect down to bare bones.

I learned this lesson long ago and I still re-learn it today even wearing my QA hat.


Well I was talking about the user voting system, I don’t know what happens after at the company. I would assume that a certain business success relies on user satisfaction, so surely the more severe problems / more user effected problems will get prioritized.

They should pay people to do this. If they have been, they need a new group to replace the one that let this mess go forward.


That explains a lot at least theoretically, meaning we hope that it works the way you described behind closed doors.
What is a scary part is the amount of bugs reported or posted about.
There is so many that it will have to take years to get somewhere.
Anyway, thank you for the reply, greatly appreciated.

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I am one of the most prolific bug reporters here.

My experience has shown bug fixes to be very erratic and subject to who is in charge of addressing the bug that was reported.

Many of the bugs I’ve reported have gone nowhere. Bugs I’ve reported that came up during a Sim Update Beta have ended up in the final product and haven’t been addressed in subsequent Sim Updates since. Bugs that are in aircraft often go completely ignored (these enrage me the most – I spend all my time flying in the aircraft, I want them to work…). I had great success with a series of airports that I reported as having flattened out auto-gen buildings. Whoever was in charge of addressing those did a good job of follow through on those. I simply stopped reporting them when it was determined to be a nearly never-ending issue of discovery.

The entirety of the user reporting-to-developer mechanism seems highly erratic and is completely not transparent. As someone who pours ridiculous amounts of time into bug reporting – and doing a thorough job of it – it’s been a repeated gut punch to see my efforts feel as though they are in vain.

I’m sick. I just keep doing it, even though I feel my efforts will, most likely, lead nowhere.


I really hope that prioritization is present but would not bet my arm for it.


Can’t speak for MSFS. As a Partner Dev, our QA team is paid - I’m living proof of that and so is are the W-2s I have to file next month with the IRS. :smile: Fortunately (or unfortunately - take your pick), it won’t change my income bracket. But it is also a Labor of Love for me.


No it isn’t, but we still don’t have anything better. At this point there’s too many bugs reported, too much noise. The voting system sheds light only on a handful of issues while there are fundamental bugs all over the place. The whole game is so broken that there’s literally no time to fix everything, or even the majority, before the next simulator enters production. I think 2024 will forever remain a sidestep in the franchise. It’s fundamentally broken. It would need a whole new development cycle to be polished. There’s simply no time or capacity for so many bugs.


I am thinking that the “pay” was just the access to buggy software before anybody else could, no?

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I don’t doubt that they prioritize bug squashing, but I do doubt their ability to squash enough bugs before the interest in the game is gone.

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This VERY sad … I actually created that post to really see what the title shows, is it really worthy?
Judging from your response, it is NOT.


I know you’re new here, but I am not a negative person. I try very, very hard to be objective and fair and stick to facts.

I, honestly, feel like reporting bugs is a significant waste of effort – but as I said, I still do it, because I believe in hope and that someone will see to a systemic change and do something about it.


I perfectly understand.
I used to spent hundreds of hours for free for community when I was Virtual Airline member.
Was it worthy?
Not financially as I did it for free, satisfaction wise, it was well worthy though. :slight_smile:
So I understand what you mean.

It’s pretty obvious to me it’s not. Asobo no doubt knows of many of the bugs we’d be reporting. You’d have no idea which ones they’ve internally logged or queued to address though, and thus you have no idea if you’re even wasting your time trying to report an issue. Even if they don’t have it enqueued, the bug list is so vast right now, it could very easily get lost or sent to the very bottom of the stack.


I think only time will show BUT I believe CERTAIN game stopping bugs should get a priority.
I posted about ATR 72 freezing in msfs 2020 AND msfs 2024, that one IS a game stopper, no?
Should be addressed, I think it is in the bugs list for 2020, not for 2024.
Anyway, hoping for a better vision than you laid out. :slight_smile:

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I am not a negative person at all as well and not even a complainer but you know, when certain things hit you, you DO get mad, frustrated and just want to say forget it.


My only hope is that the truth is somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. Really.