Is the Asobo 787 flyable yet

Does anyone else have a problem with trying to skip forward on a long flight with this aircraft? I always get a message saying not enough fuel even if there is plenty for that distance.

Use the HEAVY 787 mod and it’s an amazing plane – still needs work, but way better than default.

yes,me too. I post it long time ago but nobody care! Big bug !

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After su5,i cannot select and push the BAROMERIC PRESSURE button to STD.

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The only issue I had was a huge FPS drop on my way into EGLL. From 30-40 down to 15. It could have been the London city orbx though.

That’s why I don’t fly with the 787

Also it usually held altitude around 400ft too high or too low

Sure. I have over 800 hours on it. All good.

It flies, on Xbox at least. Sometimes there a few bugs here and there. The MCDU can be a nightmare at times - changing the STAR arrival route (right before TOD) will somehow set the next waypount to the original first waypoint of the flight, and the plane will try to fly back to the origin airport (lol). Then, there are too many INOP buttons to sufficiently fly the plane. With the default A320, the INOP buttons are acceptable since by nature the A320 is even more automated than a 787, so on a real flight you won’t yourself pressing a lot of buttons on the OVDH panel, especially if you’re in the left seat. Apart from pre-flight, you can fly the A320 perfectly under standard operating procedures. However, that is not the case with the 787. The 787 has too much INOP and sometimes it feels like I’m just flying a Cessna. Which (no offence to GA lovers), makes long-haul feel BORINNNNG with the 787. Lastly, it becomes a stutter-fest after a long-haul flight, so it is poorly optimised - mainly because of the screen refresh rates most likely.

It works, but it still is one of the most incomplete planes out there.

I know you said “one of”, but after you load the King Air B300, the 787 is one of the most fully functional planes offered by Asobo :rofl:

One issue for me is the take off and rollout. The 787 moves to the left like a container ship and i need to pull every piece of rudder input to keep the bird on the runway.

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Yea I agree, nothing will come of it and I understand why.

We will just have to wait for a nice 3rd party 787 free or payware :smiley:

same here dont know why i should put so much rudder on a take off roll without any wind

I thought the 787 didn’t feel right, and now that you mention it it definitely felt more like an airbus.

Thank you!

I changed to Legacy on the controls and it fixed it…i should have tried this before…

Really appreciate good people like yourself helping fellow simmers - you’ve got me back into the 787!

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It’s a shame that a company like Microsoft, with all of its resources, up-charged us a YEAR AGO for premium deluxe and still hasn’t made it a priority to make the planes it sold work at least as well as third-party volunteer developers have been able to.

I love this sim, and thought for awhile that they had to release the game and they would definitely focus on this as soon as the4y could, but they just have not. They don’t care, they got the money and never came back to finish.

How much would it really cost to fix the 787 and other premium deluxe jets? Whatever figure one can reasonably come up with, it is less than pennies to this company. They’ve had a year to do it.

Again, I’m a huge fan. Just disappointed. It’s going to take a class action lawsuit for them to even notice. That may be coming.



I agree, it’s a shame that some of the ‘Premium and Deluxe’ planes still have so many issues a year after release with no fix date insight. Surely this should be a priority for them to fix, we’ve paid for them.

I play on PC and Xbox and recently I’ve been playing it more on Xbox due to being able to sit on the couch and fly, also having a new born child, but I find myself limited by what planes I can use due to issues. While I’m aware that there are user created mods on PC to fix issues (longitude oscillation issue) this isn’t an option on the xbox due to no user created mods. I want to be able to fly all of the planes and not be limited.

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The 747 and 787 still have too many issues for any kind of semi-serious simulation, especially if you are planning to use them on vatsim-ivao.

Both planes can’t really taxi, since the system detects you are too fast to turn even while going at 5kts, which forces you to stop the plane prior to any turn (conveniently if you start from 0 power it does turn).
LNAV and VNAV are hit and miss, sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t, and the ILS is WAY too aggressive when capturing the glideslope.
V/S does not work unless you click twice on it and there is a bug where sometimes it ignores your input.

The flight plan might break midflight or if you edit the arrivals/departures, and you can actually scroll out of the screens lol I think it was by clicking and scrolling on the FMC at the same time you could move it down as if it was an internet website (probably a programming issue from HTML).

Finally, the ground effect is absurdly exaggerated, which forces you to make a semi-hard landing to effectively land, which in turn activates another bug that has to do with the stability of the plane, not all wheels stick to the ground when landing (especially noticeable in the 747) and makes the plane wobble a lot after touchdown.

I would not recommend using it, I stick to the 320FBW, CRJ and DC6 for now.

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Ummm…I have none of those issues. 1,625 hours of flight and counting. What are you using for throttles and to steer? I’m on a HOTAS Warthog. Works perfectly fine for me with both aircraft…