Just Flight announced Piper Tomahawk

Here’s the next of our videos, an overview of the aircraft:


It took me a few years but I’ve finally got to the point of feeling the quality of an add on is far more important than how fast it goes when it comes to enjoyment (can’t believe I’m saying that :exploding_head:)

At the moment I feel this is shaping up to come in at number 2 or number 3 after the Comanche.


The Comanche flight model is entirely external. The Tomahawk flight model is entirely internal, using the base that Asobo have provided us with. They are totally different. I wouldn’t look at the Tomahawk’s flight model in any way as a comparison with the Comanche’s - it’s not comparing like for like. Apples and Oranges, as they say.

Hopefully the Tomahawk flight model will stand up as a decent enough MSFS flight model.


Hate to be the one but, what time tomorrow???

Great…it took a while though, glad it`s near here now. However I am more interested in the Duke. The reason is VR. I am fed up looking trough a prop with single engines planes together with all artefacts they offer with or without motion reprojection. But, yes lovely aircraft, used to be my favourite in XP11. :slight_smile:

Aiming to release around 11am UK time from our website. It’ll then be available much later on the marketplace, around midnight UK time. Hope that helps

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Thank you :+1:

…and the price will be ? :slight_smile:

This is what you’re looking for

Yes I know, tried that…but its more like disabling prop graphics. Its OK but not the same. Thanks for heads-up though.

See above …

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It kind of is apples and apples. I am not focusing on comparing flight models. It’s a comparison of two similarly priced aircraft addons.
There are some planes with really good flight models being, as you say, “internal”. Let’s hope Tomahawk is one of them (it probably will be). Comanche has set a benchmark and the more I fly it the more I think it’s a bargain. I’m hoping I’ll think of Tomahawk the same way.

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Note though that these aren’t two similarly priced products, the PA38 is approx. 84% the cost of the Comanche, although that is subjective of course like the whole ‘value for money’ debate above.

We’ve been very happy with the flight model feedback so I think you’ll be satisfied if you take the plunge. Worth watching the various preview videos/streams on YouTube which go into detail.


I personally don’t agree with the Comanche comparisons. They’re different aircraft. I think what counts is whether one is interested in one or the other, or not. As for me, I’ve looked at the Comanche a lot because I find the level of detail and simulation of it fascinating. However, it’s a very old aircraft and I simply don’t like those. What should I do with it? I accept it’s some alien-level, 100% simulation of the real thing but when I don’t care at all about the real thing, why should I consider it over something else that speaks to me more? This applies to any add-on by the way, regardless of their quality or fidelity.

The Tomahawk is a few decades more recent and it looks more attractive to me. I can see myself flying it and using it much more. I more clearly see the potential I could get out of it, if you like.

As for the price, I won’t lie, these are expensive add-ons. But it’s also subjective since I’m from a poor part of the world and my wage is ridiculous. As a more generic gamer I could buy full games for the price of the Tomahawk, not to mention even more complex add-ons, so that’s also something to consider. As a relatively simpler aircraft, I was hoping for a lower price point, something I could’ve more likely afford. But that’s not to say I don’t see the value in it justified. It’s ultimately the developers and the market as a whole that determine the price points, not my perception of money.

All I can say is that I find the Tomahawk really interesting, I watch with admiration all the different previews, and I don’t ever think of comparing it to other aircraft. This package feels very compelling to me.


For me, what kind of flying/mission is possible is a factor in the value of an addon. That’s different for everybody. I’m more hesitant to buy slower less capable airframes. I like to do cross country flying. For training and practice type flights I already have some good addons, namely the Warrior. The Comanche not only has all its features and detail, but it’s got a fairly good speed for cross country flying, and I don’t see myself ever taking the tomahawk outside a traffic pattern or a small local practice area. That limits its value, so I’m less likely to buy it at a high price point. If it were cheaper I’d think more about it.

That’s just me though.

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Yeah… it’s all relative… and personally subjective. I see a Tomahawk, as actually more mission versatile, than say, a Lear 35, or even a beefy twin like the Chancellor… and especially more appealing than a big tube; because of all the tiny airports it can get in/out of… and like any light GA, flying it takes advantage of MSFS’s very spectacular, low/slow scenery.

Most of all though… it presents its own challenges, unique to such aircraft. Loaded with two people, and anything resembling baggage, doesn’t leave a lotta room for fuel. So, that realistic flight-planning really comes into play… range/duration per winds aloft en-route… alternate airports… etc.

Plus, I have lotsa real time in a Tomahawk… so there’s a nostalgia premium. Heck, I’ll get several hours of entertainment out of it, just configuring/binding hardware… :slight_smile:


Hi there. Is it likely that just flight will be adding the new soft gears physics to the tomahawk, once that functionality becomes available post su15 launch?

The lines are already in there, but currently only the drag section is ‘in play’ - on multiple aircraft I have found that following the SDK instructions precisely leads to a slight but perceptible shudder when static on the ground, engine off, clear weather.

Going to take longer to try and work out what actually is required to make their intentions actually work!


That is awesome to hear! Yes of course, take the time that is needed to get it right.

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VERY NICE!!! I can finally order my new keyboard after wearing down this one hitting F5 on this thread!!!