Just Flight announced Piper Tomahawk

Hey :wink:
I am excited to take the Tomahawk on her maiden voyage later today!

So, ummm, now the Tomahawk is done and dusted for now… does it mean you will find some time to look at the Hawk T1/A balance soon, as you wrote in that thread? :slight_smile:

Also wondering if you have learnt anything from developing the Tomahawk into the current MSFS environment that you would be able to retrofit to the Arrows and Warrior too, to get them back to how they were before (or better)?

(Talking about taxi stability, ground lateral grip on take off runs and rollouts, the affect of crosswinds on the ground and turbulence in the air. These all seem to have got progressively worse with the last few Sim Updates). Thanks!! :slight_smile:


Yes, we can’t commit to any timescales yet but we’ll be revisiting the Hawk T1 and PA28 flight models (again). We should have a period of stability between the release of SU15 and MSFS 2024, which will help considerably with that.

Martyn - Just Flight


Yes, I have the Hawk sitting there ready! It’s probably going to be a full rebuild. The PA28s will follow, and as you note that is primarily the lateral behaviour and ground physics so hopefully won’t be as long in the works.

I’ll be in touch ref the Hawk when I have something for you to look at :wink:


And it’s up at JF!
I have to wait for the marketplace as I had a gift card for my birthday, have fun all.

Installing … :grinning:

Bought! …shame I’m at work and will have to wait until I get home …maybe I should cough on my boss and claim I have nasty desease!! :wink:

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Just leg it out of work. Plenty of other jobs out there…

Not serious advice. :grin:


Flying while working from home. It’s the only way :smiley:

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Tell him you have a nasty case of “Planetar Fasciitis”.

The sound & visual details alone are the best I’ve ever seen/ heard on any aircraft


Okay, now that is an endorsement.


It’s got a real solid “clunkyness” to everything, feels like you’re flying a proper aircraft

I’ve been flying a bit with the storm window open so I can properly enjoy the sound :sweat_smile:

You know when Just Flight drop a 16 minute YouTube video just covering sound overview that it’s going to be good- and it completely matches up to that.


Of course it is being released on the only day of this week when I’m only getting home way after midnight. :smile:

■■■■ it. Heading to the website now :smiley:

Edit: downloading!

Just spent an hour with the Tomahawk and I am drained. Began my journey at Goodwood, as only seems right and proper. Had a little read of the documentation last night so that, plus my 800 hours gave me the confidence to dive right in (not literally of course)

Firstly…beautifully rendered throughout and sounds are a joy, as promised. Carried out my walkaround and unsurprisingly, all was in order. For some reason, nothing to do with the plane i guess but I was unable to get ATC voices so after trying for a bit, decided to go commando and just fly it.

Taxiied out to runway 28, pointed into the wind and did my runup. Taxiing required lots of rudder/nosewheel steering input but seemed realistic. Lots of lovely bouncing up and down on the grass.

Lined up on the runway and took off. Took 0 flaps and was up and climbing, long before the trees. A very visceral experience, taking a lot of input from rudder , ailerons and elevator to keep it pointing in the right direction. A real hand-flying handful.

Took it out to Bembridge on the Isle of wight landing on 30 with 12kts from 270 approx. Keeping it down the centreline was not easy and I was looping a bit before I got it under control. New plane, new control responses needed i guess, but got it safely back to terra firma with no damage or wear.

Went from Bembridge back via Goodwood to my home strip of Jackrell’s farm near Horsham, which I hadn’t visited for years. Found the turbulence on short final very stressful and ended up with quite a thump of a landing and have yet to check if the gear and struts have got away with it.

I must say, I feel like I have been flying (VR does help) The Tomahawk was exciting and challenging and seems like a real good purchase. Looking forward to many more flights in the coming days and weeks.


Must admit I had to google that one.

Thankfully it wasn’t as bad as I feared :rofl:

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I’ve had the briefest of flights, only using my flight stick as I didn’t have time to setup the yoke (which is what I’ll use almost exclusively in the future for flying the Tomahawk). My flight stick is set with -70% sensitivities. This did not work well and things were much better when I switched over to my linear profile. I’ll admit to not having fully read the manual so it may already be mentioned, but if I think this is good practice given the work that’s gone into refining the flight model.

Can’t wait to do a proper session with it in the coming days.

All my flight models are built with linear controls. I think it says somewhere on the JF website, it normally says in the manuals as well.

It gives a definite base position rather than generic ‘default settings’, which is very vague. I’ve said enough about control settings elsewhere on this forum and won’t go into it here :innocent::rofl:

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So, whose going to be the first non beta tester, to get the plane into an unrecoverable spin ??

It is possible. There was a point in testing where ALL spins were unrecoverable . . . :face_with_peeking_eye:

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