Just Flight announced Piper Tomahawk

Personally, I don’t think you should be making excuses for (or even reiterating explanations for) why things aren’t being completed according to customer expectations of when they should be done.

You are the developer. You have a timeline. That timeline changes. You may have (perhaps inadvertantly) encouraged us to think that things would be done within a particular time frame. Reality set in, and it seems a number of people here have a hard time accepting that your previous estimation was not a Nostramus-like prediction.


This one slipped me by I think, so happy to hear its on its way. I’m in no hurry. It will be interesting to see whether they have its stall characteristics down. From what I have read its wing design allow for flexibility that can make it unpredictable, with unintended spins. I haven’t looked but I’m assuming these are happening in the pattern on either downwind to base, or base to final.

Sounds like an aftershave. Nostramus, for men.


Because you can predict what women want :grinning:


Gotta get me some of that then :joy:

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Well, I want it to be good, but, this is long enough. 1.5 years has left me kind of fiending for a PA-38 in MSFS. To “fiend for” means, “I don’t need it, but I gotta have it”

I think I shall put on a little Nostramus for Men now. Ta ta. :smiley:

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use Nostromo for Men when you are seeking an otherworldly encounter…just be prepared to get your face hugged

Also - if anyone offers spaghetti, turn it down - Hard Pass on the S’getti fellers

Soooo … anything?! :upside_down_face:

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That’s what I’m wondering as well! Mind you, I’m so happy with the A2A Comanche nowadays that I don’t mind the delay as much as I did!

Looking forward to taking this Piper PA-38 Tomahawk for a “Spin” !!

Plenty more to get excited about

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The very first plane I flew in real life was the Beech Skipper, very similar to the Tomahawk. Loved the cockpit and it flew great, light but great :sweat_smile:

Actual aircraft in pictures. I’ll definitely be getting the Tomahawk when it’s out :sunglasses:

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I have about 148 hours in a Beech Skipper … N6722C
(in the USA) – Plane is now in Australia & re-registered there as VH-LBO with a new paint job !! Looking good

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Yes, I was busy working on the latest PA38 build prior to going on holiday and I’ll be resuming work early next week, so you expect some new screenshots and information this month.

Martyn - Just Flight


How dare you go on holiday?! :smile:

That’s great news, thanks for the update.


Turned out I was wrong. Building Contractors arent the worst at managing their time properly, lolol. We went from a 2nd Qtr guarantee to “Im on vacation” quicker than my contractor the day after I gave him a check to build my house, lol…

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I’m going to HAVE a pilot license before this plane comes out. Saw the plane was in development and thought it’d be a brilliant way to cross train on the plane I fly in real life training. Shame it’s been such a low priority for the team these past years.


Low priority it hasn’t been. Without going into a ton of detail, the visual aspect of this aircraft was being developed by an outside dev for us. We were let down and had to give up the ghost earlier this year. We have since taken the project in-house and aimed to get it finished and released around summertime. We were unable to jump right on it due to the fact the team were deep into work on other projects. When free time arrived we were able to start working on the Tomahawk with the hope it would be relatively straightforward to takeover the project and complete it. That I’m afraid wasn’t the case. The work we received wasn’t to the same standard, in the same style or completed in the fashion that we’d be looking for so basically it’s a whole lot more work than we’d envisaged. Work is in progress but the workload is being shared with other projects - namely the Vulcan and the RJ Professional.

We’re aiming to be in a position soon to assess where we are , what’s left to do and what route we take with the project. It’s unfortunate but those are the facts. We hope to bring some more positive news to you fairly soon but we’re obviously looking at a release in 2024 now. It’s unrealistic to think otherwise.

Hope that helps, sorry there’s nothing more positive to pass on currently. Thanks for your interest and continued patience.


Maybe the ONE bit of detail you could mention, is who that Developer was, so others do not get into a similar situation with him/her/them.

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tough news and certainly hard to share - I appreciate that you have done so.
Not everything is peaches and cream in the real world.
Carry on

“If you want a job done right …”


Thanks for the update.