Just Flight announced Piper Tomahawk

I did my PPL training on the beloved “Traumahawk” and have many IRL hours flying this bird. I’m definitely excited to see this coming to MSFS! :small_airplane: :heart:


Which quarter do you envision the aircraft being released? Is this a Q1/Q2 release or are you budgeting for something closer to Q3/Q4?

Aiming for Q2.

Martyn - Just Flight


Q2 starts in one week ^^

… and lasts three months, unfortunately. :wink:


well - we’ve waited this long haven’t we ?

I planned to give this aircraft to my grandson as he started his real life PPL on a Tomahawk. However the flight school he’s now using use C152 so sorry but I’ll not be buying this now.

Nothing against the developer but I think too many “nice” features have been added and created delays. Yes we all like goodies, but there comes a point when the pudding has been over-egged.


while there have been cases where a developer (usually the lone wolf) will find it hard to release a project - taking great pains to get it ‘just right’ (usually because it is a passion project) this particular project was instead a case of an outside contractor assisting who may have dropped the ball.
I’ve grown to realize that it’s best to let things take the time they take. Hurrying a job never makes the product better - it just makes the customer feel better…until they find out the product suffered for it. No one wins that game.
Anyway - I’m looking forward to flying the JF Tomahawk when the mechanic says she’s airworthy


As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, the delays have not been caused by adding extra features but by issues with one of the team originally involved in the project. MSFS development involves small teams so it doesn’t take much to have a big impact on our schedule. We’ve spent several months bringing the PA38 up to the latest and greatest MSFS standards and will be sharing previews in the coming days and weeks ahead of a spring release.

Martyn - Just Flight


Spring 2024

Wed, 20 Mar – Thu, 20 Jun

When this Tomahawk does finally make it to the sim I hope it will be so good that all the years of waiting will become a vague memory. I have confidence in Just Flight to do a good job, and feel sure they realise how damaging it could be if this release fails to live up to expectations.


We published a new dev update today covering the PA38. Hope you’ll enjoy the read, here’s the link and some example screenshots from the entry.

Head here for the entry:


Looking great!

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beauty as expected - any idea or estimate of a price point for this addon?

Estimate would be close or same as our other GA aircraft for MSFS.

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Good change for your Son (and you), Those Tomahawks are a death trap for inexperienced pilots ( and have taken out a few experienced ones as well)

C172 is a far better pane to start training in …

Or a Beech Skipper - Looks like a Tomahawk, but has surprisingly better stability and if far less prone to spin .



Looks fantastic! I thought those shots were actual photos of the real thing for a hot minute there. :wink:


Very much looking forward to this. I’ve already got all my checklists laminated up and the VR set is primed and ready.

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Hi all. After a long wait, our PA38 Tomahawk is very nearly ready for release. We’re currently aiming to release later next week.

As usual we have simulated all the aircraft systems as per the real aircraft, recorded all the engine sounds from the real aircraft, had input on the flight model from real world pilots etc. This is also our first GA aircraft to feature detailed wear and tear, there are interactive charts/checklists like in 146 v2 and a lot more.

We’ll be posting some preview videos next week ahead of release.

Martyn - Just Flight