Just Flight announces the Avro RJ series for MSFS

What do you people think about the aircraft above ?

I am considering to get it however very few IRL operators still use it.

Love it. It’s become my favourite.


This is a very solid product indeed. However cabin details I believe has a huge impact on FPS, especially in VR. Is there a way to remove the cabin (I know sounds strange)?

I don’t own it yet, but I wouldn’t mind the lack of IRL operators for a certain plane, if it’s a very well made one. Often a plane has quirks (like this one) or economical disadvantages (bad CASM, uses more fuel than competitors, is a pain to maintain) that scare away airlines but just mean more fun in the simulator!

its, good plane :slight_smile:

Turn off cabin visibility option from efb, and auto cabin crew option

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Okay cool - I will probably get it at some point. Heard good reviews so far. For the fact that it is fully RNAV capable is really appealing.

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I’ve been flying this plane all weekend and if the 146 was already one of the best airliners for MSFS then this is even better. Just today I was able to fly a different airplane, it was impossible to do so during the weekend. The only thing I miss is the lack of a performance calculator which would suggest me a flex temp for reduced thrust but that’s being an issue with all JF aircraft.


It doesn’t sound strange, I have the cabin disabled in the EFB (so there’s a way) to save some performance. But interestingly unlike with the 146 or F28 the difference between enabled/disabled cabin is really insignificant. Generally the RJ is very smooth for me while the 146 could give me some bad hiccups from time to time.

The simbrief performance calculator works well for that.

Does it give you the flex temp?

Huh, I thought it did but only TOGA is selectable. Can you also use the TRP panel to calculate v speeds for flex temp?

That’s why I asked because I think I’ve tried and it didn’t give me any reduced thrust or flaps suggestion. Simbrief performance calculator is good but still limited. I had the same problem with the 146 and F28, though there are some tables in the manual for the calculation.

For the V-speeds I don’t need a performance calculator because the aircraft can calculate it for me by clicking on the flipchart next to TRP. You just click on the take-off flaps and it sets Vcross and Vdot for you, plus sets bugs. The same before landing. It must be activated in the settings in EFB though.

Super stuff as always from JF. All-round a brilliant package and it is pleasing to see how slick the in-sim functions and EFB have now become.

On that note, please incorporate the ‘yes/no’ confirmation box for save-states into the 146 package too. You have no idea how many times a save-state has been accidentally activated when I haven’t even clicked anywhere near the EFB! I imagine this was the reason it was added to the Avro series.

In direct comparison, the extra thrust of the RJ is very noticeable and very welcome! For those who think this bird has poor climb performance, you haven’t lived until you’ve tried recreating the “hot & heavy” max-endurance routes UK carrier Flybe used to send their 146-300s to!..

It feels like you guys have thought of absolutely everything and that is very evident in things like 1) All the extra ‘callouts’ that can be heard and 2) All the menu options aimed at allowing users to squeeze out as much sim performance as possible (should they require). There are a number of other examples, but the jist of it is that this is a super-polished add-on.

Great job, guys.


Thank you for the tip. Good stuff.

I did some broader searches and found this thread on the JustFlight Forums:


Will highlight this part here (emphasis is mine), but the thread has more pertinent info. It’s definitely worth the read.

The other displays, such as the MCP displays and engine instruments, don’t have any manual lighting controls and are instead controlled automatically based on the ambient lighting conditions. Mark - Just Flight

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Did my first tutorial flight this morning loved it.

Just one question, Looked through the manual and EFB is there a click spot to diable my co-pilot? I could not find it

There’s a checkbox option to enable or disable the visual pilot models in the EFB. It’s in the aircraft menu under settings. Here’s a screenshot with the checkbox circled:

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New it would be obvious, thanks.

Hi @Pilot3575 ,

Although I am a retired pilot myself, I have never heard of Vcross and Vdot.

Could you please explain what Vcross and Vdot mean?

Thanks in advance!


Hi Guys
I am still struggeling with the IRS alignment. I tried it by putting the switches to ALN - then entering the GPS Position in the FMS - then switching to NAV and wait and wait and wait - nothing. It sometimes works - but often not.
Then I tried the quick way by clicking on the IRS switch and switching from NAV to ALN and back to NAV which should align in 30 seconds. Nothing.

Can anybody show me how to 100% reliably align the IRS please?
Thanks :slight_smile: