Thanks for confirming. We are checking the situation with MS now. There’s certainly no intention by either us or them to provide any less of a discount to Marketplace owners.
Martyn - Just Flight
Thanks for confirming. We are checking the situation with MS now. There’s certainly no intention by either us or them to provide any less of a discount to Marketplace owners.
Martyn - Just Flight
I feel a bit of a sarcasm here but those are specific terms for the RJ, see TRP and page 86-87 of Operations Manual. Also speed tape indications on page 94.
Vcross value is used for Vr (take-off) or Vref (approach). Vdot for VFTO.
Thanks, the thought that JF had done this intentionally never crossed my mind. I don’t know about MS though. Hopefully, the pricing is resolved on MP and I can make a purchase. If not I will order direct from your website which I did with the F28.
Thanks for your explanation. Really didn’t know that.
Hi Martyn. Just to add to posts made by others above, I also own the 146 Professional from the MS marketplace and my pricing for the bundle is AUD$93.95, with the RJ full price being AUD$104.95. So that’s just a 10% discount for the bundle.
Unfortunately I think I’ll wait to see if MS correct their pricing to your intended 20% discount for the bundle.
The marketplace has been updated and the correct 20% discount is now applied to the bundle. My purchaase is downloading now Thanks all.
Well done Just Flight on your efforts, MP now shows the 20% discount but unfortunately I still have to pay £10 more than if I had bought it from you directly. The discounted MP price is almost the same as the undiscounted JF price. I think from now on I’m going to give MP a miss. I will buy the RJ directly from JF and receive any updates quickly.
In a recent live stream MS talked about pricing on MP and that price increases were implemented as MP prices were lower than other vendors. They have now swung the other way and MP prices are now extortionate. I really feel sorry for Xbox users as they have no option but to pay inflated prices on MP.
It’s a tricky and convoluted topic and one we’ve wrestled with for a long time now. In this instance we managed to get something sorted late last night (for us) which meant prices could be changed at their end to give a more accurate discount in line with our own pricing.
For yourself, assuming you didn’t buy in $'s then yes that’s always going to be a possibility. They set their prices using a different method to us and it usually results in higher currency prices other than for $'s where they should always use the price that we have given them.
Little we can do about that at this stage other than to encourage customers to buy direct where possible as we know they’ll benefit.
In this particular instance it was made a whole lot more complicated due to the deal we were trying to offer and the mechanics, or lack of them, to be able to make everything work. No fault at either end for that and we hope the compromise we reached has made it as fair as possible to the majority.
Understood. Myself like many others bought from MP when we were using Xboxes. Now we are on PC we have the freedom to shop around. Unfortunately, when discounted deals arrive like this we have to buy through MP. I’ve done this previously and it has imho been fair pricing. On this occasion I feel I’m being wripped off by MS, so much so I’m not going to buy anything else in MP.
I bought the F28 and some other products from the JF website once I switched to PC and I will buy the RJ from JF as well at the normal price. I have spent the price of a decent graphics card on MP content over the past 24 months, no more.
Anyone bought this on Xbox series x? How does it run?
I have the 146, just want to be sure it works out of the box before I spend big on it, cheers
Today, I purchased the RJ Professional for my XBox SX and flew from KHOU to KTYR. There were a couple of problems with how my VelocityOne trim wheel worked, but per the Just Flight forums, they’ve identified the issue already and will fix it in the next update.
The RJ is a joy to fly. The 146 is one of my go to aircraft in MSFS and now the RJ. Amazing in VR. Great work JF.
I LOVE THIS PLANE! It’s so good. The BAE on its own was good, but the upgrades that made it into the RJ made it great! It’s easy to fly. The lack of the BAE’s type of advisory VNAV is missed a little, but once you get used to just using vertical speed mode and the green arc, it’s no problem. It’s otherwise easy to fly, easy to make fms changes, easy to program. it just works. Right out of the box!
Love this plane too, it’s amazing. Only thing I struggle with is setting the V1 speed. How do you determine what speed is V1? The other speeds you can find on the paper next to the speed selector.
F/O calls out v1 as “go”
The addon probably gets it from a lookup table depending on the weight, if at all.
Fine by me as you do not have to actually “set” it…
In the RJ, we are assuming that V1 is equal to VR, so the ‘Go’ callout will always be heard just before reaching the VR speed shown on the speeds flip chart.
Martyn - Just Flight
Which is adequate to be honest.
I do like the Fenix calculating v1 based on RWY condition, which on the other hand is pretty pointless, aside from “immersion” as the RWY condition doesn’t affect braking action and therefore stopping distance at all in the core sim…
Hi ! In the case where an airfield doesn’t have any published approach, is it possible to create one in the FMC and use it with the advisory vnav ?
I might be wrong but the plane not having VNAV is not really an issue if you use ATC, is it? The ATC gets you down to the proper altitudes in time, as it does with most other aircraft. At least I personally usually rely on the ATC, and only descend by my discretion if they visibly don’t instruct me to do so in time.
how to unselect APP button ? is it a bug or a feature?
I’ll need to check that but you should be able to select another lateral mode such as HDG or VOR LOC to disengage APP mode.
Martyn - Just Flight