Just install my RTX 4090 but very poor FPS - Looking for support

I must admit, your specs are fantastic and should get incredible performance. Like you said it’s close to Mark from the Sim Hanger. I would forget about MSFS and start running some diagnostics on your system, something is clearly wrong. Maybe you had a duff CPU which didn’t apply the thermal paste correctly, it’s happened before.

Have you run 3DMark which does CPU and GPU tests to see if your system gets the expected results, I suspect this will confirm all is not great. When I bought my PC from PCSpecialists, they QA’d the specific configuration I selected to ensure everything work optimally, have you built this yourself or can you have this checked by the PC builders? Usually the support from these companies is excellent and worth following up on.

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In your original post where you show 30 FPS you are actually getting double that because you have Frame Generation on. The inbuilt frame counter doesnt show it but something like Riva Tuner will.


I would not discard a new issue after AAU2. Look what I´m having at a random generic area to the north of Madrid. I have a lot of peaks on the graph and despite using G-sync the rendering is choppy, which makes no sense as G-sync should still provide a smooth output as I have a full range G-sync monitor. My VRAM is close to 11 GB in Windows (10GB in game).

Before patch I was getting solid 40 fps without any peaks and no performance issues while VRAM was much lower at that area (I frequently fly at the same area indeed). What I see is very similar to the issues we faced during SU10 beta testing when they were testing the memory optimizations. I can perfectly remember the same peaks on the graph and the performance drop because I usually get a stable graph instead with much lower memory usage, even at DX12 :wink: They were caused by memory swap at that time. It´s seems to be the same case now.



you would think this is a crime against gamermanity (gamer humanity). Some people spend so much tweaking the GPU to chase frames they forget, as mentioned in previous posts, it’s not all about what GPU you have; having a fast CPU is just as important as a beefy GPU. With a 10th gen i9, 30fps is a pretty decent benchmark. you can’t really get worse than that given the hardware

Gsync prevents screen tearing by synching your monitors refresh rate to the framerate. It doesnt prevent choppy frames - that’s still down to your GPU/CPU

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Sorry but I know the current behaviour is not correct in game. I have played many times below 30fps with G-sync and I still get a smooth output with no peaks nor that choppy effect. The choppy effect is different in that case because you are getting lower framerates (it´s like the difference between a 60fps video and a 30fps one). What current peaks are reflecting is that VRAM usage is too maxed out (that was what we detected during SU10 beta testing). And that was not happening in that area a few days ago because it´s too generic to need such a huge amount of VRAM for the same settings I have. Indeed the peaks are still reproduced while game is paused after pressing ESC. That should definitelly not happen at all. As you can see the VRAM usage has droppred but the peaks are still there. I updated to latest Nvidia drivers on 15th, so drivers are still the same.


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This is my 3080Ti 4k 60hz monitor with your settings DLSS Quality.

This is TAA.

This is 75% renderscale.

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It shouldn’t but the point is when it does happen Gsync won’t fix it. It’s not what it Gsync does. That was the point I was making. Frame pacing will determine perceived smoothness so you can get a “smooth” 25fps but that doesnt come from Gsync, it is determined by your other hardware.

I get those red spike because I have FG on and that frame counter only registers every other frame but feel-wise it is very smooth because with FG the actual framerate is 60 (because Ive locked it)

Does it all smooth out if you turn gsync off?

With fg on (looks like a stuttery mess but isnt)

Without fg on.

They both look so different but both are super smooth

Yes I know what you mean. Disabling G-sync does not make any difference. I have played at Barcelona and other random areas and I get the same effect. I faced some similar issues in the past caused by G-sync not being active (as fullscreen mode was not detected by Windows) but that was fixed by going to windowed mode and back to fullscreen. This trick is not working now.

Either this is caused by recent AAU2 or by some of the latest Windows updates. Both happened more or less at the same time but this performance degradation and so many peaks together in the graph are not normal at all. You may face one sporadic peak when a heavy scene containing an airport is cached but just one isolated peak or maybe two. This is what I have seen during the past months at least. I bet there´s something broken here. DX12 mode was working perfect for me during the whole 2023 year now it freezes and I get a lot of CTDs, even at world map. This smells to one of those memory optimizations going crazy…


That is weird because I can’t replicate it. The 2nd pic above is without FG or frame limiter/Gsync/Freesync.

It’s as if yours is throwing away every other frame

And you are GPU bound in that screenshot, which is what you want.

My understanding of gsync is that it doesn’t kick in until you reach your refresh rate. So, if you are below 60fps on a 60hz monitor, no syncing happens. As soon as you go above 60fps, it starts syncing. Whereas, vsync kicks in right away. Anyway, off topic perhaps.

Gysync monitors have a range and they usually go below 60 - so could be between 40-120hz for example

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Hi there! I tool my pc to a technician which changed the GPU, PSU and PC case since I am not very much into detail on installing these components by myself. For this upgrade I based the pc spec as Marc from the sim hanger since I already had the same CPU as he has (i9 10900k) and what I can see on his reviews this CPU is indeed a bottleneck but not so extrem as what I am experiencing…

I am starting to think of maybe the guy who upgraded my PC did something wrong…
For daily stuff the PC is perfect. But in the sim the performance is poor.

I have never heard of 3Dmark, do you have some additional information on how should I test this?

But I don’t understand why I am stuck on 30 -40 FPS even by changing from Ultra to medium settings and Nvidia frame generation off, I could reach this before with my 2080ti…

I will give a try anyway with the Riva Turner!

Wow! It’s performing much better than my 4090! I also have a 60 hz Monitor. What CPU do you have?

You screenshots helps me to have a feeling of what would be an acceptable performance. I would have expected a boost with the 4090 thought…

It is because you are CPU bound. It wont make much difference if you reduce settings that only effect the GPU as the CPU cant go any faster - one of your cores will be around 100% usage.

If you have frame generation on your actual frames will between 60 and 80, its just that the internal fps counter cant show that. Hence why you will need Riva or something similar

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That’s the case of G-sync compatible monitors. Native G-sync ones like mine are full range so G-sync is always active (from 1Hz to its max refresh rate). Therefore image is always smooth no matter if fps jump up or down to any value constantly.



Also, for those wondering why frame gen isn’t apparently improving their FPS in the dev mode FPS counter: it doesn’t show the actual frame rate, ie including the generated frames; it shows the internal frame rate, ie the rate at which the sim is drawing frames; the generated frames are done at the GPU driver level and don’t affect the numbers in the dev mode FPS counter.

There are FPS counters that do show the GPU-rendered frame count (like RTSS) and these will show the true frame rate including generated frames.

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…should one require an FPS counter to distinguish 30 from 60 fps, that is…

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