King Air C90 by BT Studio

Does this possibly mean that addon aircraft in the Marketplace have to be thoroughly tested for Xbox users but not for PC users?


No - as Nyx noted above - there are universal processes to follow to get a piece of software deployed to Console - it’s more rigorous by circumstance because XBox is a standard piece of hardware - they know exactly what’s inside the box, what level software drivers and firmware are running - because it’s managed heavily from a centralized position. Compare that to the nearly millions of possible hardware and software combos that represent a typical PC user base, and you begin to see why Console is easier to manage.

Same reply for @kaha300d :slightly_smiling_face:

So - to cut to the chase - XBox might make it harder for fly-by-night (pun intended) developers to expand their customer (er…victim?) base because there might be more checks-and-balances to get something to show up for Console users. I emphasize the word might and reiterate this is my interpretation and is subject to the literal $0.02.


Thanks for the clarification. This is one of the reasons I’m moving to Xbox on the 27th - no nonsense, from Windows or Marketplace I hope!

I considered it myself - but not having an up to date TV with VRR and being locked to 30 fps didn’t sit well with me personally. Not to mention my investment in reasonably decent hardware cockpit controls. But I hope it goes well for everyone on Console - the genre needs more simmers!

Edited to add: and I couldn’t live without some custom, custom ATC files and Performance/Airplane mods. Don’t take away my JT-A. :slightly_smiling_face:

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YES it does! Enough of this ‘niche market’ excuse to charge the Earth for peripherals and add-ons.
Right now, it seems to me that Xbox is ideal for those like me with one monitor, one joystick/yoke & pedals, a keyboard & mouse.
Everyone with multiple monitors/VR, and any kind of home cockpit/instruments setup should stick with PC.
There’s no right or wrong way to flight sim, you can do it the way YOU like and whatever that is, that’s the RIGHT way.


Just fell into this trap.

Bought it and it does not move and have the red MFD warning.

It shouldn’t be in the marketplace if it won’t work for computers.


Just curious, for those of you that get the red livery warning:

Does the plane work if you remove the WT CJ4 from your community folder, if you have it?

-Matt | Working Title

i would not count on it, i say a product like this can still slip through. i think ppl should
adress ms directly about it, it does not work, so refund.
i say if enough ppl complain directly they migth take it of mp.
but i am also one who believes strongly in user responsilbility.

I just removed the CJ4 folder from my community folder. Relaunched with the King Air and it now works.

I guess it has something to do with both airplanes using the same avionics suite?

Yes, it appears the developer has opted to leave the code in the same VFS location, even though the code is not up to date and/or has differences from the current release CJ4 version. This will definitely cause a compatibility issue 100% of the time.

The correct way to do this would be for the developer to reference their customized PL21 stack in a totally different set of package folders, to avoid collisions.

As an aside, the MS side team of MSFS does load the planes up and give them a smoke test prior to marketplace acceptance. They are not experts on every plane and thus can’t always check the full functionality, especially since so many planes lack full documentation (and it would make the Marketplace backlog even longer). They may not have caught this if the only issue is incompatibility with the official WT CJ4 release version, because they do not run 3rd party mods. I know we’re first party now, but the CJ4 hasn’t really made the transition yet to being bundled with the sim.

I will also add that this also means that this product will have the same hardware binding AP limitations as the CJ4, since it most likely uses all that custom LNAV and VNAV code.

-Matt | Working Title


Now that its flying I can say again.


Avioncs is just a CJ4 dressed as a King Air,
N1, ITT, N2 indications. Not the correct ones.

Changing Props wont do anything on indications.
Autopilot funcions are available from the autopilot controls only so if you have something programed into your controls it won’t work. Not even heading after the heading bug has moved.

Bahhh I’ll just quit before I get more frustrated.

Personally, I treat the add-ons market much like the Stock Market. The only way to not lose your shirt and/or pants is to watch the trends, don’t be the first person in to buy, and the only winning strategy is to think long-term.

That means I’m not the first in to buy a new product - I wait for reviews, and keep my ear close to the ground. I hit a sample of different sites to get a good variance of opinions and technical insights. I watch my money, and I mostly buy from established vendors, preferably folks I’ve done business with before. And I think real hard about why I need it - what gap is it filing? Because every add-on I put into Community folder is one more place for the sim to load slower, fail harder, interact with incorrectly.

My record is pretty mixed in MSFS - so far, the less than five add-ons I personally paid out of pocket - one was a great piece of scenery, another was a plane I’ll probably never fly again after the first time (and there already an outstanding freeware version by another author) - the rest are so-so. The short-term lesson for me right now is to let the Market mature - way too many flashy products, no idea what kind of back-end dependencies on the sim will make them gems or lemons 2-3 years from now. Don’t shop with your eyes.

The not-so-secret secret: There are AMAZING Community made aircraft, utilities and mods out there. Don’t be afraid to sample them and you might find yourself hooked on a few. I am. So if you do want to support creatives - buy those folks a coffee if you like their product. Show your support that way.

That’s my perspective - 'nuff said from me. :slight_smile: Carry on!


ok outside the box abit but how about instead of Jeremy always spending his money
we set a system like the use on to donate to cost. If he loves it and would have kept anyway he does not touch the pot. If its a dog we all spend a very small amount to save a larger amount

Thank you for the thought, it’s very kind, but I am no need of such thing. I never need/want to be compensated for anything I do in this hobby - it’s all for pleasure. Fortunately, I have been lucky to make more than sufficient living in my career that a few dollars here and there don’t make any difference. The only reason I would EVER bark up the refund tree is when it’s a matter of principle - the product doesn’t work at all, or copyright infringement is involved, etc - the things a bit outside the scope of “is it a quality product”?

That being said, I feel like things are soon coming to an end for me buying everything for the sake of providing initial feedback and initial impressions to the community. A few people have made it quite clear that there is a segment of this community that clearly thinks I am an idiot for buying things and checking them out and posting reviews (because a lot of what’s released is… let’s face it - rubbish). While I do not care about what it cost to buy all that aircraft, I do not wish to be thought of as a fool who is easily led to part with his money and therefore will reserve the buying experience for others so they can experience things for themselves. I am, quite frankly, tired of being ridiculed for attempting to provide some sort of value to people. I don’t NEED this and will quite happily stick to only purchasing products I genuinely think are worth the investment going forward. Let someone else take the fall and buy some rubbish for a while. I have done my share. :slight_smile:


I for one would say you are far from a FOOL . I took what you do as passion for the sim and a desire to help everyone here. Some people do not realize not everyone has unlimited disposable income. I can afford to buy what I want too. But it does not mean i want to throw money away. I think those comments were not really directed to you. And if they were its shame your reviews were very detailed and I for one would hate to not have them


I do appreciate what you have done for the community.


It’s mostly not here, though there are a few here too. Here are some Avsim exerpts.

This promises to be an entertaining thread…
I guess fools and their $$ are soon parted.
On a more serious note: Stop buying word not allowed the day it arrives

i am sorry but you knew it is from a not very good creator, people should stop buying from those, because they will go on that way. its not ms/asobo issue at all.

So why do it, ya know? Let these smart guys buy it… let ANYONE else buy it. I am just tired of doing it and THEN hearing from people like that about how much of a fool I am to buy things when it’s not from reputable developers. You know what I mean? Who wants to hear this kind of s***? I didn’t sign up for it. Well… I DID initially, but not for the ridicule. So, let someone else be the fool going forward. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Jeremy if i sent you 560,000.000 would it change your mind:)

I am a stubborn, old-school dude with a difficult personality and a reputation of being a contrarian. Do you REALLY think I am easily bought? :wink: And no, Sir… The answer is NEVER “how much?” It’s how I sleep at night. :wink: