King Air C90 by BT Studio

Thank you for opening it back up. We’re trying to keep things civil.


You cannot copy planes bought on the marketplace, they are encrypted, that is the whole point of selling on the marketplace. They are not in the community folder, but in the official folder. So the argument that fraud is the problem for the refund is invalid.

Right, you were the very first one to notify us of the issues with the product. If nothing else, we appreciate your sacrifice for the greater good😂 You were also the first one to notify us when it went live on the marketplace.

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I was somewhat optimistic about the C90 at first. The Kitfox was a day 1 launch. It launched the very same day as the sim. It’s been almost a year since then, and the SDK has improved a lot…I was hopeful that BT Studio had been spending all that time on this aircraft, meaning it might be good. I wish I had been right.

"A rule on a forum does not override my right to express it!"

Actually, it does. Despite the fact that this forum is open to the public, it isn’t public property. It is privately owned and subject to the whims and wishes of the owners. If you’re a guest in my home and call my friend stupid, I’m going to show you the door. As duly appointed delegates of the site owner(s), the moderator team has that same right.

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I buy only planes AFTER TheFlyingFabio review/test.

(post deleted by author)


Not only that… they ADVERTISED it as well! What a shame!


I bought an Orbx airport scenery on the marketplace a few days after MSFS launch. It had no working radio or ILS frequencies, but I was unable to get a refund from Marketplace or Orbx so I’m stuck with it. It’s been updated two or three times but there are still other issues with it.
I’d rather have my money back, so I’ve tarred Marketplace and Orbx with the same brush - NEVER AGAIN from either of 'em.

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I see nothing has been addressed by anyone from MS/Asobo. OK. By the way, Steam denied the refund as expected. Oh well.


Oh Well, indeed - like the Fleetwood Mac song “don’t ask about the shape I’m in…” :laughing:
I have an idea why this plane won’t even move on full throttle: maybe the gust locks are stuck on due to being coded that way in the model itself? If this is a Turbosquid model it hasn’t been coded specifically for MSFS or any other flightsim, so maybe this is a possibility?

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Models themselves don’t contain any coding to do with their use. If this is a turbosquid model it wouldn’t have anything to do with flying ‘coded’ in. If the gust locks were physically modelled on the model they used that doesn’t mean it would have gust locks coded in automatically. The model is literally just a visual thing.

My guess is just a sh*tty developer selling rubbish they barely strung together with bodged code from various different sources.


Yes it can only be missing or incorrect code in that case, and there ought be a refund policy on Marketplace. Is there a topic someplace where we can vote?


Glad I checked on here before buying this - certainly don’t think I will be now.

Really surprising that this sort of thing is allowed on the Marketplace. Surely some really basic checks should have to be passed before things are allowed on sale there?


And especially when we know it takes time for a developer to get their addons listed on the store.
I’d expect a certain quality.

Its honestly quite amazing how much BT Studios have made off of making one of the worst addons to come to this sim, just based off of their kit fox… There are 1129 reviews on the market place as of writing this, if I remember, the kitfox was 7-8 USD… Thats literally thousands of dollars that they have made off of something that has had zero effort put in.

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Exactly - and that’s just from the ‘niche’ PC flight sim market. Imagine what’ll happen when the Xbox Game Pass players have access to this, and all the others like it on Marketplace. There needs to be a PROPER refund system in place before Flight Simulator gets a worse reputation in console gaming than Cyberpunk 2077.

Personal Comments:

This is just informational to add context to this subject - reviewing the management comments made in the June 30th Dev Q&A, it is up to the third-party makers to explicitly decide making their products available to XBox users - implying there are additional hurdles or activities they need to perform. The question of course is what are those tasks and do they make it easier or harder for poorly made products to get exposed to the Console community? It’s not automatic that third-party makers will be present inside Marketplace for Console - there seems to be an additional, deliberate decision process to be followed. 1st Party was implied to be immediately available - i.e., add-ons made by Asobo - World Update Contents, Bush Trips, Asobo Liveries, etc.

Now THAT explains a lot - so it’s OK for PC users to get ripped off, but Xbox users are protected. SERIOUSLY?