King Air C90 by BT Studio

I agree with your statement, but please refrain from name calling. I’m not a mod, but I’d prefer to keep this discussion as civil as possible.


I’m just waiting for some clever Dev with a sense of humour to create an actual dumpster fire and submit it to the marketplace.

I’m not disagreeing with you, and after seeing that person’s earlier comment saying “it’s mostly dumb users”, I now deem your response as appropriate :joy:

I got into it a little earlier with someone else blaming the buyers, which made me upset. I’ll quote my response, although you’ve been here the whole time, so you probably saw it already.

“That’s what this and other posts are for. You say to wait for reviews, but where do you think we get reviews? It’s from people who buy it “sight unseen”. This thread has 2 reviews in it, and this discussion is doing its job in making people aware.”

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yeah i totally agree with you on this, if you run a marketplace you have a responsibility to making sure your users aren’t expolited by people abusing your system.

that’s currently happening now with nothing being done about it.

i can see this issue being pushed further by the xbox release to the point where gamepass users spend what they would’ve spent on the sim itself on a few addons, get ripped off then abandon the sim because rhey don’t trust it anymore and then warn people to stay away and that would be totally justified.

if they can control who is allowed on the marketplace they can control what’s allowed on the marketplace.

the least they should do is stop people from releasing new products until their old ones are fixed.


If I buy a bad grocery at the grocery store, the grocery store needs to take it back and refund me. I don’t have to go the farmer to complain.
If I buy a TV at Amazon and it’s broken, Amazon refunds me, not the TV producer.
Same here.
If you sell it, you are responsible.

MS are all in on this. So I’m all out on their Marketplace.


Keep posts on the topic, not on users. The forum isn’t a place for calling out users “stupid” or “dumb”. Please adhere to the forum’s Code of Conduct.


I think the removal of products from the marketplace is a little outside the scope of influence the forum moderators have.

Plus, it’s often not what you say but how you say it, that can get you in trouble. For example, questioning moderator actions on open forum. Personally, I try to avoid doing that.

I totally understand the desire for a refund, I would want that too.

As far as the forum rules are concerned, your individual rights somewhat stop at the login screen, and that is no different here than on any forum I participate in. One of the rules is not to attack individuals. Again, it comes down to how you word your posts.

Good luck with your refund request. Anyone that bought this deserves one, in my humble opinion.

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I have a serious question for those who buy products that are obviously rubbish: Why? Why would you spend money? Why are you supporting such developers? These developers will only feel encouraged to produce more of such rubbish, and flood the marketplace with it.

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I just want to clarify that I didn’t report your comment or anything. I agree with what you said after seeing what that person had said earlier. I don’t like confrontation…please don’t blame me😭

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I am not blaming anyone. But the argument that buyer beware isn’t valid. ASOBO advertised this plane in the dev update. Why would I question it? One would assume they tried it?


Some people, such as BostonJeremy, buy it to see what the quality is. If it wasn’t for these brave souls, the rest of us wouldn’t know the quality of the product. There’s only one way to know what the quality is.


Well here is the thing,. Lets say nobody buys anything! Then what?

The issue here is that it isn’t obvious that its rubbish, that’s the whole problem.

Its nature only becomes apparent when you have it loaded up, and find its a hot mess.

The only real way to know is for someone else to take a bullet for the team, try it out, and report their findings.

The takeaway here is to not buy from the marketplace, or really anywhere in fact, until someone has posted a review somewhere. I keep an eye on YouTube for reviews for that purpose. Some devs. are fast becoming day one buys though, but what were unknowns like this developer, I sit, and wait.


buyer beyware yes, but the seller is the one pushing that broken product, they are the ones responsible for it happening, if there wasn’t broken products on the marketplace, no one would buy broken products on the marketplace.

a lot of this community forgets that.

Right… I bought it…I posted the first screenshot of it not working. I restarted the sim…ok it could just be the sim needs a restart… Then BostonJeremy reported all the same issues as I had, in his usual eloquent way!

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Topic closed for mod-review.

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Completed mod-review.
Feel free to continue in a constructive manner.

Thank you.


Totally agree with this comment. Way back in August, i believed that anything appearing in the Marketplace would have the Microsoft “Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval” but, foolish me, I guess money talks and buyer beware. When I saw the plane only had two stars I decided to pass. I think I’ll just wait until Carenado releases their version. At least I know they are a known developer.


Big Trash Studio