King Air C90 by BT Studio

Yes, as soon as I loaded it and saw the compatibility problems I tried it again with an empty community folder. Had lots of issues, not limited to the avionics.


This. I think that once the Xbox is out 99% of all MSFS users do not participate in forums and so will not know if addons are good or bad.

So nothing from MS ASOBO on this? Never buying from the market place again.

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Interesting that this is a in-store exclusive. No direct means of contacting the dev, no clear indication of who the dev actually is unless you dig around - this guy knew it was a genuine scam release and took precautions to have 0 responsibility.

This will only get worse. Maybe we need a ‘buyer beware’ thread listing all these p*ss taking releases. Then we try to convince the mod team that it needs to be stickied, which it should. If Asobo care about their paying customers they would allow a community driven warning against these scam releases to at least be pinned to the top.

Every one of these releases the main thread will pop up days and weeks later with some poor sod saying ‘I bought this and had no idea it was this bad’ because the main thread of complaints got buried.

To the moderator team: are Asobo even aware of releases like this? What is their opinion?

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It seems like their is opinion is…Its not our Job. and it seems they do not care! Nothing at all from them!


This dev was already notorious for releasing unfinished products without updates on X-plane and now has found a bigger market to scam. (he should have been removed from the marketplace after the Kitfox scam.)


Yeah agreed.
When is someone actually gonna build a proper working realistic King Air for MSFS. It’s sorely lacking.


I wonder if MSFS is going the same way as ‘Microsoft Flight’ ?

It’s nothing to do with Asobo, this is fimly the responsibility of MS


Welcome to the club.
I completely stopped spending money on that Marketplace.

Only way to get me back as a paying customer for them is to install a refund system.

Otherwise the only thing I will spend there is my Microsoft rewards points that I currently have no other use for.

I just feel sorry for the XBox users who will have no other way to purchase addons as that ingame marketplace.

So I take it that no official response means nobody cares at ASOBO/MS? Amazing!

When you look at issues like this, it sheds some light on their resistance to allow more comprehensive user reviews on the Marketplace.

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Yup…The CRJ700 is the only plane i bought from Marketplace and that will remain so.

Problem with refunds is fraud. With MSFS you could easily copy anything into the Community folder and then claim a refund. There’s no way to check. So I understand the refund policy.

I also agree that MS is not the one to determine whether a product is to be considered good or bad or worth the money. That’s subjective and up to the customer. That’s what forums and reviews are for.

Nevertheless IMHO MSFS should at least check whether the product is at least working, as this thing obviously doesn’t seem to do. And while the VirtualCol E-Jet may not be a good product, it at least isn’t a scam. But if this C90 is as useless as Jeremy reports it definitley IS a scam and should be removed and refunded.


But then, if nothing is checked, someone could use the Marketplace to deliver addons that do some harm to your computer or personal data?

Is there really no way to prevent people from just copying it to the community folder? (I’m genuinely asking, as I’m savvy, but not real knowledgeable about this type of stuff) Wouldn’t it have some type of encryption like the premium aircraft have, or something like most 3rd party developers use to prevent piracy? (It can all be cracked, I know, but that’s not my point) Since MSFS is always internet connected in some way, even without steaming data etc, it still calls home like most modern AAA games do, to verify it’s a legitimate product. I don’t see how it’s all that much different than refunding a game on steam. I’ve even been refunded for a digital game on Xbox directly by Microsoft in the past, and they have a no refund policy on the consoles.

I feel like there should be a way to do it… However, I don’t claim to know how.

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So we all sit here lamenting how poor Microsoft could fall victim to someone getting a refund but keeping a copy of the plane that would be removed from your content manager and therefore never get updated which lets be honest is frequent given the sim is developing over time…

But lets not concern ourselves that we are sold and now knowingly sold things that do not work! and there has been nothing from MS/ASOBO to even acknowledge this… Priorities people!! No wonder nobody cares, we are too busy excusing the practice and accepting being ripped off!

“Who cares if it works or not…they will defend us and blame the purchaser” We truly do reap what we sow!


I can’t speak to the validity of whether or not it’s true, but this is a quote by someone on the Working Title discord:

“requested refund for that c90 garbage 5 minutes after purchasing, refund accepted after another 10 minutes + i get to leave a 1 star rating on the marketplace, worth it lmao”


at least that sounds nice, a quick refund, but ehh is it true?
i maintain the responsibility is with the buyer, inform yourself !!

exactly, you can only pump out so many bad products before you play a part in it aswell.

their store is meant to be ‘hey these are approved addons we recommend because we literally made the sim and they are directly in it’ but instead it’s ‘here’s other people’s garbage, we never checked it, burn your money.’

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