Las Vegas Addon missing after purchase

Hi All,

I have been patiently waiting for a “fix” to Las Vegas, and purchased FlyTampas this morning.

Unfortunately having clicked “purchase and download” it didn’t download, going back into Marketplace it was shown as “Owned” but wtill would not download.

Having exited the sim and restarted it now only gives me the option to “purchase” and there is no sign that I have ever purchased it.

I have raised a support ticket and am waiting for a reply (any idea how long replies take?) - Looking at my receipt email it only actually refers to “FlightSim credits” and not what I actually purchased - is this normal? and if so, how do I prove what I purchased?

Thanks for your help…


Same Problem here. Wrote Zendesk Support Ticket and Steam Ticket.

Waiting for Reply.

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unfortunately you aren’t alone


What the hell went wrong here anybody knows? I purchased the LVFR San Diego Airport 2 days ago and was immediately available…

Exactly same problem here with KLAS buddle, even that i made the payment shows like as if i have not bought it all. I guess has to do with specific product as i never had any issue before with other airports.
already sent ticket to zendesk


I am almost sure Mircrosoft Markeplace has an new “bug and error” and this affects all purchases now…

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Same issue here. Hope this will be solved, soon. 20 Euro is expensive, anyhow.


The Problem seems to become more and more “popular” so we can have good hope…

What a pain though! - Not having a lot of luck today. Previously I bought the London (Orbx) Scenery and after the latest update there are some issues with that and I have had to unistall that…

Lets hope these issues get addressed quickly…

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Same issue, I thought the first purchase had not gone through, then noticed charged twice. I asked for refund to both purchases. Do not trust purchasing any further items through Microsoft Store and FlyTampa till this is showing resolved.


Good i didnt purchased it 2nd time… what a unbelievably mess they made… never came across such bug on any online store so far…

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So far i purchased more than 10 airports and never had any issue. I am sure they will fix it.
no reason to worry at the end gentlemen… don’t forget its Microsoft.

The Orbx London Scenery Pack seems to be pretty obsolete after the World Update 3… maybe they find a way to enhance the new photogrammetry by any way…

This is exactly why I don’t use the marketplace. I go to the developer’s site or simmarket instead. That way I can download and keep the scenery on hand. Plus when there are updates for the products, I don’t have to wait either.

Yes exactly right for there London Landmarks scenery but EGLC works just fine. Orbx are producing a brand new pack for the London photogrammetry which will be free for owners of London Landmarks and should be available in a couple of weeks or so.

Further out from that Orbx are working on a bigger change for London although not much news has been released on that yet (HD pack possibly?).

Don’t you worry London lovers will be looked after in MSFS for sure! You might need a nitrogen water cooled PC to get more than 10fps but it will look amazing! :wink:

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I have this pack also since it came out last year. Now i uninstalled it. Hope they can make something good… cause some of the photogrammetry buildings look awful in my opinion.

London City Airport is nice i have it too and love it.

Interesting when I bought Las Vegas through FlyTampa website, it installed in the community folder, I guess only the Marketplace content gets the luxury of being installed in the Official folder…

I never had an issue buying something from the marketplace until this day…

Exactly the same thing happened to me last night with the FlyTampa Las Vegas pack. It said successfully purchased, yet, it wouldn’t let me download. Then it told me purchased failed and I didn’t even own it. I thought that was just an error or issue so I decided to try purchasing it again. The exact same thing happened. I now have two charges on my Visa and no access to FlyTampa’s pack. Ridiculous. I will not be purchasing again from the marketplace - I’ll just go directly to the developer. This was my first time back on flight sim in a few months and I wish I knew about these issues ahead of time.

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No digital item of this nature should be able to be purchased twice. Their system should recognize that it is already “owned”. I understand the issue with not being able to download, although that shouldn’t have happened. But the purchasing of the same item multiple times is an unacceptable error.

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