List of Aircraft with Visible Co-Pilot from Cockpit View

ListBoy (aka Baracus) is back with another list. After hearing the call from @DigitalJonx from Got Friends that it would be a useful resource to have a central place to discover which aircraft are fully compatible with the Asobo Animated Characters System (for Co-Pilot and Pilot), I decided to start putting this list together:

Since the launch of the Got Friends Avitar collections, this seems like a necessary tool to find out what aircraft they will actually appear in when selected.

The idea is that we can all contribute with our knowledge as a community to grow these lists and fill in details.


  • I have left the editing permission fully open to edit by anyone, so trusting you all here to not wreck it please :smiley:
  • There is a sheet for aircraft and a sheet for additional Avatars (free or paid).
  • It is important to note that the main reason for this is to know what aircraft have Visible Copilot’s while in cockpit view (you may need to hunt around for the toggle, even if it seems they don’t have one because some developers have it always on, some make you click the seatbelt or seat, or the door, or add weight in the W&B screen, some have it in their EFB etc. etc.)
  • We have classified the 2 “types” of available visible co-pilots as per the table below. Please tag your findings correctly if you add any to the list.
Aircraft Co-Pilot System Classification Types Description
Asobo Character Support = Co-Pilot Appears in Cockpit View (Supports Asobo’s Character Selection System)
Built-in Character Model = Co-Pilot Appears in Cockpit View (Dedicated 3D Model / Does Not Work with Asobo’s Character System)

Feel free to add any you know about to the Google Sheet (please search that they are not already listed first though). Thank you for contributing to this project!

I intend to add filter and sorting functionality to the sheet once it starts taking shape. :heart:


Thanks for this, very helpful.

Perhaps add a column for those that work but need a mod, such as the TBM 850 or the DA40/62

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Thanks. Good idea I will do that :wink:

Could it be worth adding a column to record if the pilot/co-pilot show in internal, external or both views as well?

This could be a handy for anyone who wants to do cinematics.

Thanks for the suggestions.

I think all the Asobo Character ones work that way by default anyway?

Happy to add a column if it makes sense AND if there is a good chance that it would reliably be filled in by anyone adding new aircraft. What do you think are the chances? :joy:

I think the chances are better that someone will enter something goofy if it’s left open to the public. You may be better off taking input from this thread and keeping the edit permission to yourself.

I’m surprised it took you so long!

I think the list needs some sorting to make it easier to find things.

I think we probably also need to record those without character support, otherwise you don’t know whether nobody has checked or it’s definitely not going to work. Fenix A320 does not support unfortunately.

You make a good point but let’s see. I have a backup of the file so can always revert (or use the History rewind) if someone trolls it, but I have faith in our community :slight_smile:

I will be adding details and features like that once the format takes full shape. You can always use the Text Search (CTRL+F) for the time being.

I’m not sure - because that is going to be a GIGANTIC list then :smiley:

Maybe make a list of negatives separately on another tab?

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This is already on my SECOND sheet :wink:

And Raging Wombat wants THREE sheets when he is struggling to check TWO now :rofl:

I have added that column now, thanks.

Are you saying the Asobo DA40 and 62 needs a mod to enable visible co-pilot in internal view? I don’t see a mod for it (have you got a link please?).

AND I thought (assumed) that ALL the Asobo default planes are compatible with their own character system? I don’t really fly them any more so I could be wrong! This is why I want the community input, lol

Definitely agree with listing all aircraft even those without support but a single sheet would be easier for searching

I think we just need to expand on the classification types

  • Asobo Implemented Avatars
  • Developer Implemented Avatars
  • No Visible Avatars

The default planes all show them in external view, but not internal.

For the DA40 the NGX mod enables toggleable pilot and copilot (independently) also in internal view. For the 62 it’s a similar mod by the great mrtommymxr.

Edit: added (plus the 930)

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So you’re asking me to “simply” list all aircraft ever made for MSFS here regardless of their status in respect to the title of this topic? Do you know how many planes there are…?!

…and it would be next to impossible to actually list everything.

I strongly believe this list should be planes that do. If a developer wants to add the functionality to their release, then they get on this list.

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Yeah, don’t understand the point of a list of those that don’t support it.

Thanks for adding those!

You get a :star2: badge :wink:

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Haven’t you already done that, more or less? :wink:

Nowhere NEAR mate! Of all aircraft?! Nope sir.

Our Hobbs app has a bunch more that are not mentioned in people’s top 10’s. But it’s still way off being everything. I don’t think it’s amazingly possible, but Stargazer has got nearer than us!

I don’t even know how many there are now. I’d estimate over 600 now. Nearing 1000. I’m not gonna go adding them all until they are mentioned. It’s not the scope of this idea :slight_smile:

That’s awesome thanks, I had no idea that was a thing.

I had found and glanced over the second tab but thought it was a list of alternative avatars, I didn’t notice it includes fixes for planes.

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