[x] Avionics
[ ] Flight Planning for Airport Approaches
[ ] Input/Controls ( + accessibility)
[ ] Flight Model
Avionics: Will we ever get from you a complete, realistic, study-level and bug-free Garmin package (either payware or freeware, and by “Garmin package” I’m referring to G1000, GNS 530 and 430, GTN750, GTN 650 and G3000) in the base sim to be used with the default and third party aircraft? If not, can you help established third-party developers like @CptLucky8 and Working Title to make and sell them to MSFS 2020 customers?
[ ] Avionics
[ ] Flight Planning for Airport Approaches
[x] Input/Controls ( + accessibility)
[ ] Flight Model
Input/Controls ( + accessibility): Could you please get rid of this white-colored arrow for video-gamers that pops up whenever we move our mouse? Failing that, could you please give us a native, user-friendly option to enable/disable it?