Live Weather Does Not Match

Now we have that fog layer around the airports. Nothing we can do about that. But why did they need to completely change the weather system to add those?

Were clouds also needed to be correct over airports? If that is the case they could just have added the complete METAR over airports. No need to blend it at all. Because the point with METAR weather is to have the weather as it says on METAR right. Why do we want both at the same time i wonder? Meteoblue doesn’t predict same things as METAR reports always. Only when they do it will look ok. But how often is that happening? Maybe in real stable weather but then METAR is not needed anyway.

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Can someone explain this to me?

Meteoblue reports clouds above the airport.

Atis Reports clouds over airport but different than METAR

METAR reports clouds over airport but different than ATIS

But where is the clouds in the sim? In the horizon LOL. I should have three layers of clouds coming from Meteoblue if ATIS takes the information from Meteoblue. But i have none over the airport. All of the data is there but why does it not inject it? It’s injected around the airport only.

I hope this is what they will fix in the upcoming su10 update. That we get the weather that we should have at correct time. That will fix the most of the METAR not match things by it self. Or make at least ATIS report correct weather that is happening in the sim.

If Asobo wants to pinpoint the issue. The pictures are taken at 22:15Z and 22:21Z AT KORD.

Edit: maybe the sim weather is correct? So strange. Every single source got it wrong then but the sim actually had it correct displayed with clouds around the aiport. Well the ATIS should have reported correct things there. Fix ATIS to report correct things please. That is really really important. Then we actually can use ATIS to plan our flights according to the weather that is happening in the sim. It’s in the sim we fly, not in the real world.


One thing I observed was this. If you look up, and you see few clouds, but then look to the horizon, and you see denser clouds, you might think the cloud coverage there really is denser, and that somehow you are in a clear patch. I think what you are looking at there is more, and more clouds edge on making it appear denser in the distance than it really is. Viewed for high above the cloud coverage could look more uniform.

Perhaps not for your second image, but perhaps the third. Kind of like looking through fog or mist at a distant object. The fog might be uniform, you are just looking through increasing amounts of it. The reverse would be true, either the object becoming clearer as your distance from it reduces.

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Yes you are maybe correct. And in the sim the clouds are even less dense. Thats maybe why we see so few clouds. When there should be clouds they are not visible at all in the sim because of the low density in them. I can see through clouds while flying in the night. I can see lights on the ground while flying over thick cloudlayers.

Well they said they will fix the cloudlayers and logic in su10. Lets wait and see what su10 brings :slight_smile:


Buddy, in real life, METAR is weather-based, and not the other way round. Weather doesn’t decide to be tough as there’s an airport around. :smiley:

Not some, but I think given the current state of live weather, most won’t agree with you. What would be ideal is to get the old weather system back, and once this is fixed, all will be happy to shift back! :slight_smile:


So when I am not online, I usually fly with the PF3 (Proflight Emlulator OnCourse Software) or with Pilot2ATC.
These use real world weather data and the ATIS is almost always “correct” with what I “see” in the SIM. Of course, besides the known " bugs " since SU7. I have not compared the internal ATIS report.

so also briefly my observation on this - have already mentioned this in the other thread - YES the clouds just seem to have no more “density” - but I think that they are trying to minimise the pixelated clouds (which personally did not bother me so much as long as they were displayed correctly) without “loss of performance”.

And let’s see what improvements SU10 brings. I often compare the weather with the METEOBLUE maps and often with WEBCAMS and I have to say - of course with exceptions - the weather is often “correct” (@airports) - so in terms of rain or conditions although Meteoblue says something different - perhaps additional sources are already used. About the representation of the conditions and about the weather “onroute” and about the “appearance” since SU7 we have reported enough anyway and you know my opinion, but at least it seems to be often correct at the airports - but it should be “onroute” also like that and please without transitions :+1: :face_with_monocle: !

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Something about live weather still isn’t right. In too many places it’s still this broken cumulus mess, and this has been going on now for over 6 months.
Starting up the sim yesterday, seeing the “Top Gun” image, I felt like saying: all we wanted were nice, realistic looking clouds pre SU5, but what we got is Tom Cruise=)


that’s correct - but unfortunately they won’t do that - you have to accept it in the meantime (I don’t want to either) - but like Perrry, for example, does (tirelessly) constantly report on the “bugs”.

Yes, the cotton wool puff balls are quite common. For the most part the cloud variation we saw at release is long gone. The closest you can see to it is if you use the Scattered Clouds preset. The other presets have never looked right to me. Live weather can be equally hit, and miss.

A tool like Rex Weather, though not ideal, can be a valuable tool in highlighting the differences between the two live weather systems.

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I also use those tools but not everybody does and many use the ATIS to compare the weather in the sim to what is displayed. ATIS should have the most updated weather and the insim tool should report correct things. That is really important :slight_smile: If the ATIS report correct Asobo can tell all the users to check ATIS for recent weather updates from Meteoblue. Also the ATIS data could be sent to other out of the sim planning tools via simconnect. But that only works if ATIS report correct thing of the weather in the sim. If that doesn’t work propperly we check for other sources of weather to find a match and those we know since release of this sim don’t match either because they are not observations of the sim weather.

The ATIS can’t tell IFR only condition when it’s clear weather for example. Thats totally wrong. And thats not the weather we have in the sim that is wrong. It’s the ATIS. I can’t understand why this has not got more attention actually. I asked that in a Q&A and got maybe 5 votes or something. Isn’t ATIS a really important thing to report correct information? To me it’s much more important than a real world METAR matches the weather in the sim because ATIS should report the most recent information about the weather.

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no, that’s clear of course - I just mean that the SIM Weather might show the right thing as opposed to the internal ATIS report which is wrong in any case !

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All I’m saying is that the weather should not just look good, it should be realistic as well and match the real conditions fairly well to which I think everyone would agree. Ofcourse we can’t have real life visuals for the entire world so which is why third party addon developers have been relying on METAR reports since ages. The extent to which they can interpolate and merge it in the weather model varies and which differentiates a good addon from bad ones so that makes the current MSFS implementation bad since they are just shoving the METAR conditions.

Now, let’s not suggest a band-aid solution here and keeping the wheels spinning. In fact, Asobo introduced METARs for a reason so most likely it’s not happening anyway which is why I’m keen on an overhauled weather model which seamlessly integrates local conditions with global weather model. There are many more elements that we would like to see going forward which devs used to discuss till last year but atleast as a first step, we want to get the basics right.


Where are all the thunderstorms?

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They have been missing for months now. Seems thunderstorms are not simulated currently at all.

We used to have constant lightning when it shouldn’t have been there, now we are at the other end of the scale with no lightning or thunderstorms at all.

Hope we will see a return with proper simulation of those.


Lightning is there, but not where you’d expect it lol.


Agreed, but think about this, we are talking of a basic feature that should be in a sim, which is not correctly implemented. This is 2 years after it’s release! Just waiting for it to be fixed, we would have to spend years with bad stuff.

Stuff under development/progressive updates are for Beta testers, as they can give feedback.

We get releases after releases of features that are not fully/correctly implemented, and then the whole community has to wait for it to be fixed.

Ideally, it should be alpha testers/voluntary beta testers who use the under development features, until they are nearly perfect(nothing can be perfect, I understand). Only then, it should be put to the end-user.

Note that some users just buy the sim for leisure. They shouldn’t have to deal with this.

This message is for Microsoft/Asobo, to understand our pain. This sim is so beautiful, and it can be so amazing! :frowning:


MSFS is so perfect that it actually looks imperfect

its june 6 in juneau ak Im using active weather or live weather by MSFS and for some reason I’m seeing snow on the ground with 56 deg weather and rain. I even pulled a cam of the port of Juneau and the dock is wet not covered in snow. I’m hoping the team from Asobo reads these posts and learns this is not a perfect sim. far from it 56 deg weather and snow on the ground…

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Snow coverage in the sim is awful, the resolution of the map they use to determine coverage is too high. See these thread also and give a vote:

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Remember, as stated by Asobo that weather is an on-going project, after so many complaints on release about it they ‘are’ completely redoing the whole system. So wait to complain until they actually post that they have finished the weather system. Then you can complain.