Live weather fix (workaround)

Not sure where you got the part where it was fixed. The only official acknowledgement (sort of) we got was during a Q&A a few months back where Seb was saying that they couldn’t reproduce the issue and he seemed convinced it was caused by user error vs a bug in the sim.

The best you can do is add your vote to this thread to hopefully get enough visibility on it so that Asobo actually take this seriously.

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Yeah you’re right live weather is still not working as it should, even when the map menu says the location is thunderstorm, theres not a drop of rain with clear sky but plenty of lightning and thunder sounds. I think what they did was just increase the lightning but toned down the rain a lot.

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Well, lets face it. If it has not been fixed by august 2021 then it is not a priority for them. Same goes for live traffic…both of those are in my opinion big deal but that is not being shared by fellow simmers.

The live weather has never worked for me properly, when it does it will not work on second flight. So it is either that and restart sim or stay in sim and get no weather.

It sure sound like a simple database bug but I am not a programmer…

I do know that that it is stunning that we still sit here and discuss this in may 2021. I remember the white knighting…“they will fix it”, “cmon it is a new sim they will fix it in the next update”.

If anything is true so far is that this particular problem affect some users and not others…sucks to be the one that is affected by it.

Bottle in the sea… I have a problem, that is not happening always but one day yes one day no. I don’t know if this is in relation with the weather, but in relation with the time in MSFS. That happens on my computer, since on 2021-05-10 (never before, while the two last month, since I installed MSFS). When starting a flight, the time hour switch to 0z and the minutes are kept. Then when the time arrives at 00:59 UTC, the next minute it doesn’t go to 01:00 but 0z. The same in the other way. As if one day is 60 minutes. Trying to put Live time/weather, one second after it the hour is reset to 0 keeping the minutes where they are. FYI, that happens even when I have nothing into Community or even after a full reinstallation. See the phenomenon:

Have you tried the workaround that I started this topic with?
The live weather bug is still here but the workaround at least stops the need for you to restart the sim to get live weather on subsequent flights.

As of update this week, the Live weather still hasn’t been fixed. Thunderstorm in the main menu willl be displayed in the simulator as clear sky and not a drop of rain or any hint of dark clouds. Another 3GB update dissappointment

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