Livery Discussion | Discuss Liveries Here!

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I would like to know where and how to get the pait kit for all MFS2020 aircraft in order to create different textures. Does this paint kit exist?

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When will we get 787 liveries?? I’m so patiently waiting for them to be accessible.


IS anyone doing an A320 Southwest skin? They have nice colors

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Which layout.json? the Cessna 152 has no liveries folder…how can it have a mistake?

Honestly, this is shocking how quickly the liveries are being created. As a software developer, with a full time job and no time to create them, I am very impressed. Is there a master livery pack that includes all the liveries being created across all the different aircraft? Or are we forced to keep checking here and there?

I’m truly impressed by the megapack liveries packs, but if I know I only will fly 5-10 liveries, do I still need to install the whole megapack, or can I “delete” the ones I don’t want in the cfg file?

you can :slight_smile:

Thanks. I was hoping that :slight_smile:

Anyone here planning to do Frontier?


could you please post a download link ?

Raynair does not work, could someone tell how to add Raynair to megapack, I add the texture folder and add the lines of the text document, but it does not work, I have also tried to remove the megapack and add only Raynair, it does not work either, they could help on how add to megapack?

Its possible to make this liverie from Eurowings “D-ABDQ” ? I am very happy about it when someone can do this for us :slight_smile: i love this liverie so much <3



Raynair does not work, could someone tell how to add Raynair to megapack, I add the texture folder and add the lines of the text document, but it does not work, I have also tried to remove the megapack and add only Raynair, it does not work either, they could help on how add to megapack?

You could include Raynair to the megapack, thanks !!

Etihad and Qatar please

Where do I download megapack v7?