Local Legend I: Junkers Ju 52

yep… makes no big different, still these little tiny difference in colors. Intressting are also the different reflections within the glass. For me the 1939 glass looks better, but so different are the taste :slight_smile:

With a good HDR monitor, it makes a big difference. A sunny day becomes a dreary sight. No other aircraft has such ugly darkened glass.

For VR pilots, especially quest2 users, tinted cockpit glasses are really blessing. I love JU52 original because of this point. In VR, sunny outside is way bright and eye irritating. So please don’t push the dev team to change it🤫

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In the retrofit it is done by a texture, if I recall correctly. What’s bugging me more is the animation on the carburetor heat handles (lower right panel).


the callsign… yeah… I seen that today as I checked the textures because I had the idea that there is also a “mask” related to the slighty-darker-glasses which users can simple replace. But because I have no realy an idea about the model stuff , I found nothing about.

Funny that you say that, because I immediately saw that there is very big difference in the cockpit glass brightness between your two shots. :wink: It’s impossible to miss when I flip back and forth between your two screenshots. The 1939 cockpit glass is much darker.

:stuck_out_tongue: … as mentioned, I searched for a “too dark like a sunglasses” …

A darkness like:

Yeah the developer need fix this dark glass in 39 version pls.

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the dev. got a Discord channel?

Please consider adding copilot in 1st person. I bought this when it came out, flew it, loved it but my copilot is missing in the cockpit, and I haven’t flown it since :frowning:
This is meant to be the No1 flight simulator, and by default we cannot choose to have our copilots rendered in 1st person…

You can in some third party planes

I think that sort of thing is very low on the list of priorities for this, and any other Asobo aircraft really. Bugs should be addressed for example, before cosmetic changes like this should be implemented.


may check the #self-service:wishlist category … one example:

still dark, hope for the next world update that the guys fix it…

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Os it really big issue for you?

Aunt JU is coming back :slight_smile:
Junkers Flugzeugwerke wollen Ju52 wieder bauen (faz.net)

Comeback of an icon: Junkers Flugzeugwerke announces that it will relaunch its famous Ju52. The new buildings should consume less fuel, offer space for 14 passengers - and for the first time get an autopilot.


Most NG projects are so-called “not-good”.
Original JU-52 is an icon.

yeah it is, dont wanna fly with dark glass, I wanna enjoy the landscape…

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After SU9 I see flickering reflections in side windows from time to time.

You’re on PC?
Set Render Scale to 100.

You’re on X-Box?
Vote here:
Flickering reflections on windshields in cockpit view - Bug Reports / Aircraft & Systems - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
And tell them to address this issue ASAP.
