Logitech Flight Multi Panel - not supported

It would be nice with MSFS 2020 support for Logitech Multi Panel (autopilot) I guess this adresses both Microsoft Flight Simulator and Logitech

they are both working on this issue…


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There is always SPAD.neXt. It´s payware but will give you the ability to reprogram the panels. SPAD makes the logitech panels work already today, though we have to wait for the upcoming FS2020 patch, fixing the stutter issue for all hardware using the SimConnect sdk.

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SimConnect patch is out and working. I have the Logitech panels working with SPAD.neXt. They also just added support for Stream Deck so I’m using that for transponder and some other functions.

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I still do not see any update to SPAD I’m on and I see no support for stram deck here, do you have a newer version?

Sorry, you have to enable the Beta releases in your advanced settings. I’m pretty new to SPAD so I’m not sure what level of license you need to access Beta releases but it’s there and working so it should work its way to the main release soon if you can’t or don’t want to go to the Beta release channel.

Once you enable Beta releases, then you need to restart Spad to update. Then you need to go to Settings->Devices and turn on Stream Deck support and restart. Make sure you aren’t running the normal Stream Deck software, or if you are make sure it has a blank profile loaded.

For icons there is a specific directory you need to put the files into for SPAD to make them available to your commands. As of right now I have full transponder working on my Stream Deck: I have the four digits across four buttons as well as up/down buttons for each digit. I also have Xmit toggle for COM1 and COM2. So if you push COM2 XMIT, it changes the icon for COM1 XMIT to disabled, changes the icon for COM2 XMIT to enabled, and then sends the SimConnect command.

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Wonderful, thank you!
I’ll check when I’ll be back at home

I use spad it’s great. I do not believe you need beta access anymore. I never tried to get it and it works really well. If you have a question jump on the discord and the developer c0nnex is usually on and is very helpful.

You need Beta access for the new Stream Deck support.

Oh that may be true. I was referring to panels

If you’re just interested about Streamdeck, you might want to try this as well: Stream Deck Button Box (My C172 Implementation)

(Needs VS2019, .NET Core 3.1 to compile currently)

I used “Lorby axis and ohs” purchased and downloaded from Simmarket all work perfectly. Hope this helps

On Spetember 8 Logitech released a plug in for MSFS.
