London, a post apocalyptic zone still?

Hi all,

does London like like junk for everyone? I hardly ever fly there as it just looks so poor.

There are a few buildings and the odd bridge that look reasonable but the general area always looks terrible.

If you zoom in on the area ringed in the picture I think you’ll get the idea.

This has been mentioned literally hundreds of times I’m sure. The easy answer is PG/TIN does not work well with objects that can be seen through, which include but are not limited to the below:

Girder bridges
Transmission towers
Ferris wheels
Fire escapes

The smaller the structure, the worse it looks. This isn’t a fault per se, just a function of how the technology works.

Buildings with a simple, boxy geometric shape will always look better.


Known issue:

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True, though it can be seen all over the world. and not just London. London has always been notoriously bad though, especially around the docklands area. All those train overhead power lines for example look like something out of the Kiln area of Dark Souls. :slight_smile:

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Photogrammetry is not meant to be used when flying below 5000ft. I turned if off years ago and never missed it. I have not seen a single place in this game that looks good enough to keep PG on.

Would you kindly do me a favour?
— just try and visit Pamplona in Spain (go from LEPP) and have a look around for a bit.

Do you really think the same still?

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Do you mean this? It looks awful on ULTRA settings.

I think you and I have different definitions of the word “awful”. What are you expecting to see?


Are you serious??

That is almost as good as being hand-modelled for an ENTIRE interesting city. I have more that are this good, but this is the best I have found so far.

OK mate whatever, stick to your auto-gen!


Trees are to be expected, they never look right, but the buildings are really well done. In one shot you can see on the roof what looks like a kind of conservatory quite clearly. The quality there is superb for PG/TIN.

And the parked cars on the middle shot. If I knew my family cars a bit better I’d be able to tell what model they are (probably) :smiley:

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Good point. You just don’t see PG/TIN cars like that anywhere else that I can think of.

I blame Genghis.

To be honest, London can be quite apocalyptic IRL too… :rofl:



haha yeah too true. I am sure it looked even more melted than that once we got kicked out of the nightclubs at 6am in my “younger days” :laughing:

hahahaha :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

I didn’t expect anything more from photogrammetry. I knew I won’t like it before MSFS was even released, based on how photogrammetry looked in Google Earth.

Thankfully we have an option to turn it off and we are all happy.

I must say that I am not always a great fan of PG myself but honestly the pictures posted above are quite outstanding.

I never realised PG could be that good.

Without defining what “awful” is, it’s impossible to then point at something else and say “This is not awful”. Your only alternative is to use auto-gen, which won’t look anything like what the real world buildings look like.

Sure, the buildings may look more “crisp” in their geometry, but you won’t notice that detail while overflying the city.

Yeah it can but the quality varies wildly. And guess what… I have a list of all the best ones I’ve found (rated, for my own purposes) if you’re interested!