Longterm for XBox

I know I’m getting into computer programming specifics here, but when you hit FLY, at some point they need to figure out what is rendered. So first, they have to get the list of content you have available. Then, they have to figure out for each content you have, whether it will be applicable, and if is, do whatever you need to for rendering

So basically, something like this

v_UserList = ReadCintentManager()

Foreach (content In V_ContentList) {
If (content.IsApplicable) {

Now don’t take this as real code. It’s just meant to illustrate the example of what I am talking about, and has syntax errors because I wanted it a readable for the example as possible. My key point I’m trying to make though, all that is being done when the CTD happens is the content list is being read. That’s it. It hasn’t figure out what to do, or even what content is applicable. It’s just reading the active content so that it can use it later. The CTD happens in the read action itself. So there is no worry about what objects are in which content. It never gets that far.

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This brings to mind the classic PC bug killing solution of “Clear Community Folder” we’ve seen a thousand times. The Community Folder is basically what we call on Xbox as “Content Manager”, am I right? I apologize but I am trying to learn stuff the best way I can and tie together the string of concepts. It’s like learning another language.

If you have a common line of code contained in two completely different add ons no matter if they’re at opposite sides of the world, they won’t co-exist? Clearing The Community Folder would make sure that both or multiple duplicates if maybe are wiped.

So how does an OS fix come into play? The OS would be altered to change the way it reads and processes the info by compensating for the duplicate somehow?

No, it doesn’t work like that. Each add on would have to be read into memory as an object. So it is perfectly fine to have Object A have a red attribute, and have object B have a red attribute, because they are tied to their own objects

The OS bug fix is a totally different bug altogether. For example, PMDG, the plane you couldn’t do anything with, but it didn’t crash. That code isn’t working, but it doesn’t create a terminal error. Although I believe it may be tied to the bush planes problems, e cause those planes don’t do anything either.

Then the Seafront Simulations bug is a totally different thing perhaps. It could be tied to the bug where “nothing happens” but it doesn’t sound like wander boats were done at all for Xbox.

And just to make things even more confusing, the Milviz DRM encoding issue is totally unrelated to any of these, but it is stopping them from releasing to Xbox.

And I can’t even explain what is wrong with Voyager. It doesn’t do enough to even be able to get a handle on what the bug might be.

There is just a lot of different XBox specific bugs that are killing things.

What planes are giving you troubles? All in all, the problems are at a systemic level as I’ve personally suspected and stated in different words ages ago.

The situation has transformed quite a bit. I always suspected our version of the sim is different than PC, “Watered Down”, lighter and less functional, looking at the graphical settings proves that for a fact. I’d kill for some sliders so I can turn the annoying post processing effects off. Lens Flare go away please.

That and now we’re seeing there’s an OS issue that’s been discovered. At both ends there’s problems. I’m grateful that it’s nothing to do with hardware so far, that would be the death knell so there is a glint of hope for sure. It’s gonna be a big year for us I hope, I say that in a positive way, there’s gotta be something good in all this and lessons learned for the betterment overall.

There was a Carenado bush plane, the Zenith, and the Yak something. I’m nit sure if there were others, i uninstalled on Xbox. It was taking up half the drive because I had over 300 gig in addons.

Are you talking about the Carenado C170B Tundra? If so, I fly that the most and it doesn’t give me any issues, other than the taxi and landing lights not illuminating the environment, which is an Xbox-specific issue. The lights work as they should on the PC.

Well, the Garmin Aera is also missing a back button since SU7, but I prefer to run it not equipped with the GPS.

Since SU7, all of them for me, the throttle just won’t register. I try and get them to move, no response, nit even any different engine noise. It just doesn’t register

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I haven’t flown the 170 in awhile, never any throttle issues yet but yes about the lame lighting and unusable SatNav. The Russian Beechcraft wannabe had cabin lighting issues or gauges, have they been fixed? Very odd and I’ve heard nothing but good things about the Zenith.

Have you tried a Night Enhancement yet @NixonRedgrave?

To be clear, it’s not our DRM that’s the issue. It’s theirs. The problem is, apparently, related to our usage of WASM and custom code. There’s some kind of foible in their implementation of their store DRM that blocks the WASM from functioning.

We wait… patiently… hoping they do get this fixed.


H, I know it’s theirs, and I know you guys have been waiting for 3.5 months now. Corsair has been one of my favorites since Black Sheep Squadron in the 70’s. Sorry they have kept you all waiting like this.

@Krazycolin, a pleasant surprise to see you here. God knows why you’d find your way in this thread of all places. I have to ask. What’s your take on the current and future state of things on Xbox? Does MilViz have a future here? Do we have your support, are you keen to ride out this dysfunctional storm we on Xbox find ourselves in?

I’m with @tgbushman, I also want the Corsair, of course the SR71 and I’m even keen on the 310, It’s such a massive tease and most definitely cruel that they feel so close but so far away for us on console.

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That is an unfair question to ask a developer. They have a relationship with Microsoft, and business requires they keep things at a professional distance.

But they have already said, as soon as this DRM issue gets fixed, they want their planes available to Xbox.

Unfair, a step too far? Yeah fair enough and I’m sorry if that’s the case, my bad but “Ill-Intentioned”, hell no and it’s best that I clear that up quick smart in case things get taken the wrong way.

I’m going to pick up the Night Enhancments for San Francisco and San Jose today and give them a go.

I’d been flying there last night, which is what got me thinking about the scenery packs.

@tgbushman have you see the thread about throttle issues and the need to remap to Throttle Axis 1 from the standard Throttle Axis? I’m wondering if you’re running into this since you mentioned throttle issues.

We’d love to have our stuff work on the Xbox… I’m sure we’re not alone in that… but, afaik, nothing with WASM in it works.

So we all have to wait till it’s fixed.


Well according to that, it was introduced with the hotfix, and I was in the beta. When I had the issue, I asked around the forums and the beta threads, but got no response. Of course, beta if you mentioned anything other that the clouds, you were met with crickets.

When I get my PC installed, if I still have issues, then I will give that a try. Thanks

I have NY, Vancouver, Toronto, Miami, Seattle night enhancement and they are great. Of course with NY I have the NY City pack as well and have to fly out of NJ or get a CTD from JFK

I had to add a second throttle key bind on two planes for them to work correctly. So, you might want to try that on anything with throttle issues.

same with me, the mouse wont help out either