Low bandwidth Message - Connection Lost - Switched Offline

What would you like them to do? Poor looking PG is almost always because the PG geometry is poor, and nothing at all to do with flaky server connections, or low bandwidth. It won’t matter how long you wait, it just won’t get better.

The only ways to improve PG are to tidy up the data by hand, or go out and collect new PG.

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Even to me, grrrr!!!

370 posts were merged into an existing topic: Your bandwidth is too low (February/March 2023)

441 votes have been moved.

8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Your bandwidth is too low (February/March 2023)

After trying many other cures including VPN, IPV6 removal and more, this worked a treat and now flying without glitch.

Solution. Go to Windows 32/Drivers/etc/host file Back up host file Than delete earth and127.0.0.1 store liveazuredge.

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can you explain this a little more?

Deleting/restoring the hosts file is NOT the solution

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he mean well known hint , which is very often mentioned in forum, which is mentioned in that topic at very beginning ( Low bandwidth Message - Connection Lost - Switched Offline - #103 by cdjus9200) and within the FAQ, about the google-maps-replacement mod. ( Some topics are so often like a loop ). If users have that installed, it change the hosts file and in special some older version not revert that. In that case users must remove the hosts file and windows creates then a new default. But that is an old hint and may be help not in each case.


If you are experiencing “low bandwidth” there is currently a greater issue than when this topic was created.

Please use this topic instead:

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Temporarily closing this topic until an underlying issue is resolved. See link above.

I finally got it working again following the tipp from ExcessFlea312

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Same problem here. hosts file is empty and clean.
Fenix A320 at SEQM after 2 minutes got a message about bandwidth.

Still bandwith to low warning!
not fixed, as otherwise stated in anothet (now closed) topic.

After enabling the photogrammetrie again, waiting for a few minute son this screen …

Not satisfying …

Sick and tired of it. So many times the last weeks! Unbelievable how amateurish this is. And the message pops up right in the middle of the screen which takes away the visibility, not somewhere in a corner. It also turned off photogrammery and the runway full of trees… I have it recorded and will post in on Youtube.


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Brief description of the issue:
Since today i get the message : Your bandwidth is too low for data streaming , you have been switched to offline mode , i have a 600Mbit connection what are you tallking about ?
Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
start MSFS
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Did you submit this to Zendesk? If so, what is your ticket #?

Replace the word “Your” with “the” as the problems are server side… it’s poorly worded.

This issue can happen even if you have a fast internet connection due to many other reasons such as server congestion and routing issues. Even if your connection is fast, if there are server issues or issues to the route your packets take, you will get this error.

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Very much so and there some huge interruptions (while the net is still 97% good)