Mamudesign Marinas - Boats and Piers in the World

It is the ONLY way to reach the Xbox users

This game was made for PC and Xbox, and the Xbox users only have the Marketplace to download add-on.
My application to the Marketplace is 3 years old.

During this time frame, I have released 3 add-ons that are considered among the top10 (see link below) world enhancement mods

Why Xbox users CAN’T ENJOY them?

For new partners, the Marketplace “backlog” should not be an issue anymore. Infact, since November a handful of new Partners have been accepted.
But they OBVIOUSLY are not following application queu. That’s a fact.
So, what’s up with the Marketplace Team?

Or what’s wrong with me or with my idea to be able to make Xbox user enjoying some of the most appreciated add-ons?