Is there any Mod that can give me the METAR based on MeteoBlue? Thing is common metars do not match what MSFS is rendering based on MeteoBlue, is similar but not the same. VATSIM and other sims give you the standard Metar, I will love to have a place that I can query that instead of going to the meteoblue website.
There’s no mod that does that, but it’s certainly a feature I’d request for Asobo to implement. It’d be the most convenient thing to do to complement the live weather system.
I wouldn’t say it’d be too hard to develop either, albeit I may be wrong. The simulator obviously has that data, so it’d need simply to convert it into METAR format and display it.
I don’t think that’s what the OP is asking. They’d like in-sim METAR reports based on the live weather by Meteoblue, not in-sim weather based on real world live METAR reports. Basically the opposite.
Well, ATIS should be used (whether it be voice ATIS or D-ATIS) for your dep/arr weather. Some companies employ various apps (PilotBrief, Aviator, etc) but policy still dictates checking the current ATIS and reporting to ATC with which version you have. ATIS is simply a aural (or visual) read out of the current METAR, and can provide other information such as runways in use, which the METAR would not.
Ideally, like OP suggested, we would have an immediate way to check the actual in-sim reported weather such as a pop-up menu (maybe in the window with ATC, that allows for a search). The weather should be what is seen from the meteoblue report, however we have no way of really confirming what report (if any) is being pulled from the live weather API.
Exactly. It’d be a very elegant solution. Meteoblue’s live weather is quite good in my opinion, but predictive models will never be perfect (just like simply injecting real life METAR will never be perfect). Something like this would bridge the gap.
Using ATIS is all well and good if it actually gave us correct information. ATIS always gives me windspeeds 10+kts higher than in game, always 3nm visibility, always incorrect cloud layer information, always 10c dewpoint. Often I’m given incorrect altimeter settings as well.
I have to use LittleNavMap to figure out what the actual weather is in game.
Right, my post was mostly pointing to needing an additional tool to see what the actual in-game reported weather is (as the ATIS is misreported, or completely erroneous some times) such as being able to see an in-sim D-ATIS by simply searching an ICAO within the sim.
The weather engine doesn’t seem to have any way to generate low visibility conditions. This is what I dealt with yesterday. It’s also just straight-up wrong most of the time regardless.