Milviz 80-R-72 WIP Previews

All of them?


The A-1 better have gotten sold to a dev like FlyingIron. Lol

ATR. What else? :slight_smile:


Hey y’all! This Friday (for 24 hours only) we’re having a flash sale on all of our products, 30% off! Use code: ‘blackbird’ at checkout to apply ! :slight_smile:


ugh … does the 30% discount also apply to the new ATR?

(just kidding!)


Hey not bad that thing looks almost like my beloved Fenix but as turboprop! Nice!
I cannot wait until stepping in into this cool cockpit. I hope it will be absolute study-level quality.
Of course I want to see this one. This beautyful cockpit screenshot already convinced me.

ATR Please.
We need this aircraft so badly for Island-hopping…

I can´t wait.


Its coming! Still hot in development. More news soon! :slight_smile:


“soon” … this is music to my ears!

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I’ve heard “soon” said many times and in FS terms, that could be months. i wouldn’t get too excited yet.

But at least we will get a new exciting airliner :slight_smile:
I thought it will take several years until PMDG and Fenix will be back with another bird, but in the meantime we will get the Milviz ATR.

they not give us new information is, bad PMDG are finsih with 3 planes…

Obi Wan Kenobi, you that is?

Trying to puzzle out what is actually meant but why always make comparisons with others? You can only compare if you know what’s going on behind the scenes. Apparently no news, why can’t people accept that. Milviz has finished other aircraft so the comparison with PMDG is not a good one, may as well ask updates about their 777… Be patient, we’ve gotten a lot in 2 years time.

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Mate, you watch the video stream? They literally said its a competitive space and there are other people developing ATRs. This is the real world where you can’t show your hand or someone will be able to respond and get a competitive edge.

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i dont care!

Key word here is “news” guys! Meaning more updates and teases on the ATR. No release date has been projected or set yet, we are just working to make it the best and most authentic experience seen as of right now! Thank you all for your patience :slight_smile:


Just curious, any plans to release also 42-600S? Maybe later as an add-on or something?

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How are you guys liking the SU10 update? :upside_down_face:

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It’s been one month since the last communication, any news/update please? We’re dying to get our hands on this beautiful bird!

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You’ve come to the right place to ask… Apparently there is a guy who lurks around this forum (crazy colin) who loves to answer these questions…