More Physics, More Real Winds

Yes, little nudges on the yoke won’t do it, either roll or pitch, and the AP will just attempt to override your inputs, and keep putting you back on its course.

The very first DCS aircraft was the A-10. No FBW.

but it is servo hydraulic, and you also have the other aircraft too from flaming cliffs or whatever it was and the KA-50

Not sure but I believe I see a trim tab there? I assume the flight controls are mechanical and only hydraulically assisted?


hydraulically assisted indeed: How does an A-10 Thunderbolt II fly without hydraulics? - Quora

Both elevator trim tabs are only used in case of a loss of hydraulics…at least that’s my understanding after looking at the A-10 AFM.


I glossed over that thread quickly but it seems so indeed, in manual reversion those become servo-tabs instead of trim tabs.

Wow… I wish to see more, and I would like to congratulate the developer team on the improvement. After update the simulator flight model has been improved quite wonderfully, and I love it very much…

Wait has it changed? Was it some kind of optimization issue that caused physics issues or smth like that.

Yes, It has changed quite nicely, and I hope there will be more improvements… I love it very much… At last I can experience some real performance in my landings… But I will need to see more… I am sure there is a lot to improve…

STEP 5 from your attachments above seems to be the crux of the problem with how these aircrafts perform. It is apparent that their ‘Base Aerodynamic Parameters’ are flawed. How could they be otherwise given the admitted lack of expertise on their end?
Hopefully better qualified or informed aviation and aeronautical professionals can eventually insert themselves into the process. But that can only happen with the humble admission and acceptance of the management team.

I don’t think they changed the physics themselves. It’s possible that CPU optimization issues caused some physics issues though. If the thread used for physics is 100% used, that could cause issues I guess

Can you specify exactly what was changed?

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Wishful thinking. Nothing concerning the FDM has changed.

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If his CPU was fully used he could have been having some flight model related issues or something. That might not be possible though, I don’t what would happen if the physics thread(s) was 100% used. Probably nothing if we are being honest.

Asobo definitely did not change the actual flight model code though I don’t think

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I hope everything works again for you guys. I gave up updating MSFS after a million tries, all ending up in download loops until my harddrive was completely stuffed, CTD and then start from the beginning. I uninstalled MSFS completely and I don’t bother reinstalling it anytime soon, that was the last straw for me unfortunately. Happy landings!


@anon50268670 I sincerely hope I’ll cross your path in other simulators in any case, because I really value your knowledge, feedback and assistance to the community.


The Rotation at takeoff is much smoother, Stall speeds are higher, 787 specifications are more real.
Yes, the CPU optimization may have increased the accuracy of physics modeling, But I Hope this improvements will increase even more…

Really sorry and sad to see you go. Appreciated your knowledge, wisdom and willingness to point out several flaws with various aspects of MSFS’ core. Like @CptLucky8 stated, I too would like to meet you in other flight simulator platforms where your observations, analysis and recommendations would be taken more promptly and seriously. So long chief.


Nothing of the above is possible since the version numbers of all aircraft are identical with

Usually once at or above 20fps, there’s no noticable change concerning flight models in most sims.

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