Mouse cursor randomly DOESN'T REAPPEAR when moving around (translation) in the cockpit after last “mouse going to top left corner” fix

@Jummivana Would you mind if we ask if devolopers are aware that this bug not fixed completely by SU6 ? We have been waiting long for a simple fix over a VERY major issue so that is why we are eager to hear at least wheter they are working on it or not for SU7?

Kind regards.

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So quiet… never any response :slightly_frowning_face:

That is a very good idea. It would be nice if we can ask the devs if they are aware of this issue and the state of it.

Cockpits now feel like skinner boxes. Press random buttons to get the mouse cursor back.


We just love it

Day 416:

Still sitting here in my chair, pondering this conundrum. Still a problem. Still no answers.


Will I ever get out of here alive, with an answer?

To survur.


Tested in the last update, i can confirm that this bug is in the same state as before.
(they didn’t said anything in the changelog but it’s good to check anyway)

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SAME HERE. I still have the issue. No change in two Sim Updates since SU5 over an issue which directly kills sim experience !

Guys please report this issue via Zendesk if you haven’t done it yet. That is the best way to pull their attanetion over this issue.

I already reported it on Zendesk with a detailed YouTube video :slight_smile:

We’ll see how much good that does, though…

Hi @Jummivana ,

As far as I heard during Q&A Martial stated that most of the mouse issues has been fixed and if any remains he would be happy to hear about. Do you mind reporting mouse disappearing issue still in its place since SU 5 and it would be great if we wont need to wait until mid/end of February to see this fixed ? We have reported numerous times via Zendesk and no real progress over it. It’s been a very annoying bug which DIRECTLY affects sim experience. I would be so happy if you’re able to highlight this issu to devs.

Kind regards.


Yes please, report it to them please.
It isn’t as annoying as it was in the first place (with the mouse going to the top left corner) but it is still annoying and most of all, not fixed.


The problem we have is unless the issue is voted Asobo ignores these issues, WHY? They are clearly game breaking along with other reported issues since SU7 launched.

Tried playing tonight, after setting up sensitivity all over again, checking other settings to make sure they have not reset then 10mins after the 3 mins to load the game. 5 mins looking around the globe the mouse curser freezes, restart need.

Did not restart turned this game off getting tired of setting everything up when i want to play the dam game.


I can even provide the video again which I also reported through Zendesk with a more detailed explanation if necessary. Should also be able to help out a fair bit.


It’s strange - an existential component to be able to use a pc at all. That must have priority. If not, someone is sabotaging or is no longer interested in the project. Mouse operation, of all things, unbelievable. For me too, of course. Then I always turn it off and do something else but not the MSFS.


Yeah, agreed. Hopefully something will be done soon :slight_smile:

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Previously I had put the dissapearing mouse down to my personal system problem but it is not. yesterday myself and a mate were doing a short IFR flight to practice an ILS approach. We were about half a kilometre apart when my mouse dissappeared. At the same point in my mates track, his mouse dissapeared as well. After fiddling around and multiple clicking everywhere mine came back online after about 2 minutes. Exactly the same place when my mate reached it, his re appeared and operated correctly so there is definately some bug in the sytem that is causing the issue

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mouse just disappeared for me midway between VATSIM flight, works fine in the menus. :man_shrugging:

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Good to see more people reporting the issue… we’re still waiting :smiley:

I hope they’ll put fix for this particular mouse issue within the upcoming fix package. It has been months guys ! What do you want from us ? Do you really think without mouse pointer we’re able to intearact with sim without any strugggle ?

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