MSFS 2020 is now not accessible (30 November 2024)

2020 works fine now, temporary outage of two hours in 30-11-2024, In 29-11-2024 the outage for 2024 lasted 6 hours.

I wonder if all this chaos has to do with getting more server capacity up and running and integrated. I think MS was just overwhelmed w/ way more demand than expected, then the post-release chaos and refunds etc. I can’t see why it won’t settle out in due time and I have to think now within 2 months tops. FWIW I’ve run 2020 every morning and evening this weak, though notice LOD has been dialed back which again would be server budgeting issue.

This is how it starts, the end of MSFS2020. They will make SURE, we all end up bying MSFS2024… :sweat_smile:


Yea I had that issue earlier today but with 2020. 2024 played fine alone with the lags and everything else that comes with it. Later went back to 2020 and working. Also noticed marketplace was down. Im sure its not on the users end. As even the best pcs I see here having same probs I have running 2024. Ive pretty much decided to hang it up all together. Enjoy the $70 coffee donation

You WILL purchase the new simulator NOW! lol


still black windows at start :rofl: the dark is calling today in france :sweat_smile:

Congratulations to FS2020 on bringing the whole world together here in this topic for this one shared experience.
Seeing as this misfortune has gathered every simmer on the planet into one place I’d like to take the opportunity to wish everyone a happy end to this year and many more prosperous and healthy years to come!
Of course this is on topic as I wouldn’t be here doing this if I could use 2020 to sim!
I get into the sim and fly but ctd in minutes every time.


All my settings including control settings, graphic settings are gone now! And I have to do the whole setup again! In fact the Sim started as if it was the first time it’s being setup. Anyone else experiencing this? Such a shame …

Eastern Europe. It works well
All settings are saved.
The game took a couple of minutes longer to load

During start up, I am getting repeated CTDs, with a 1 and 5-6 chance to get to main menu, where it CTDs when I click anything. This is still a problem for me in the Midwest USA.

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Same in China(Shanghai)

Had The same issue stuck at the update page.

About 10 mins ago I gave it another try, was able to enter the main menu, but as soon as I clicked to start a flight It crashed to desktop again.

Now I’m stuck at loading page with repeatedly CTDs. So, no success. What a shame.

3:55 UTC FL/US

MSFS 2020 starts ok but the ‘checking for updates’ takes much longer since MSFS 2024 was launched. This used to take 1-2 seconds and is now taking 40-50 seconds. Actually +10 seconds longer today for some reason? Pretty sure this is a server issue, maybe related to fixes going on with MSFS 2024. Hopefully it will be resolved soon. Thanks.

I’m in Queensland Australia and I believe the default servers for me are Eastern Europe.

No problem to load the sim but 4 consecutive CTD’s after hitting FLY NOW button after plane selection and also approx. 15 minutes in the cockpit. It’s not fixed currently.


MSFS 2020 and the Xbox app cannot be signed into. Both falsely report “You’re Not Connected To the Internet.” If sim does start, it enters a “doom loop” during the start up.

Think this about sums it up in a nutshell.

A lways
S tutters
O ffline
B ack to Desktop
O h why did I buy into this?


Are they trying to force customers into 2024?
“Oh look, MSFS 2020 doesn’t work anymore.”
"You’ll now have to switch to 2024. Our servers can’t handle both.


Ditto here.

Was actually thrilled to find this thread! Here’s why - My FS PC was perched on my window sill ready for launch as I spent the last 6 months debugging and rebuilding after finally determining my 4090 had died. Reinstalled windows yesterday… Got a hardware error in the event log after the 4th CTD and pulled most of my hair out. Had issues getting in 2020 with weird 0 kb updates trying to install. Deleted and reinstalled the sim. I am an expert at that.

Now, I will just wait, and maybe try to figure out where all the key commands went in FS 2024 (I know u can use 2020 keys - kind of)…

PS In Massachusetts

This would be a good opportunity for MS to stop this automated update check on every startup of the sim. For me it has no value. I’d rather check and invoke an available update myself.