Every time I’ve opened up the sim since last night (once I was finally able to get in), more and more MSFS 2020 items are showing as being available. They are all currently listed as streamed.
The assumption I’m making is that once the Marketplace is officially opened up, we’ll be able to choose which items to stream, install, or uninstall based on those three options being available in “My Library” (along with “Rented”).
Anyone else seeing their 2020 items as well? Any issues with them when flying? I haven’t found any issue yet but curious what everyone’s experience is so far.
Does anyone know how to actually disable packages from Library? There are few I don’t want to use anymore, because they are heavily outdated. I don’t se any option for Stream content to be disabled
You can’t do it just yet. I think it’s tied to the Marketplace release so once that gets rolled out, we’ll be able to disable as well as choose if we want to stream or download.
The statement they released said it’s rolling out as soon as all of the 2020 addons that aren’t compatible are removed. They found and issue late on in the process that cause non-compatible ones to cause the sim to completely not work, so they had to start that checking process over again for testing. I don’t think it’ll be months, more than likely a week or two and then we’ll be good to go.
And again this is all an assumption by me. I’m not sure what their actual plan is but trying to deduce it from what is available right now.
After starting the game up for the first time I looked through several areas including content manager. I saw some scenery and other items in there. I could “select all”, but no download option showed up. This was 10 hours after the release.
I was able to do a take off in the FA 18 and take a look around the San Juan Islands.
It looks like I’m missing some aircraft from the Aviator Edition.
If they show up a few at a time with each additional start up of the game, I can wait.
There is enough to try out for the next month while the bugs are worked out.
All the planes from MSFS 2024 Standard has already appeared for me. However, MSFS 2020 Premium Deluxe aircraft are still missing. They appear in ‘My Library’, but don’t appear on the menu to select. I have MSFS 2024 Standard and I own MSFS 2020 Premium Deluxe.
‘My Library’ does not give the option to enable or disable content.
You can’t download anything yet. All of those addons should say “streamed” which means it’s hosted on the servers. So there is nothing for you to download.
The assumption, which I believe Microsoft said, is that once the Marketplace is ready, we can download items to our HD for anything we don’t want streamed.
Any way to turn them off? A few i didnt want like latin vfr static aircraft is automaticly streaming no way i can see to disable remove. And latin vfr kfll airport no buildibgs load.
You are all confusing me a lot…as far as I understand there is no more marketplace content of scenery or airports or anything that uses graphics. It’s all coming from a world scenery streaming that is equal to anyone using the sim?
There are only airplanes and add-ons in the marketplace, correct?
The content is enabled, however you cannot turn it off or remove it yet. It’s annoying because I also have things I purchased that I don’t use anymore, but they are active. We will be able to once they release the Marketplace update (I’d assume this is the case).
Not yet. The statement they gave said they need to parse through all of the addons in the Marketplace again and are close. Once that it done then the Marketplace will be turned on.
As stated above, not yet. Once the marketplace opens, that seems to be when we’ll be able to do it.
Microsoft/Asobo content will automatically be available via streaming method. The 3rd party Content will still be through the Marketplace but also available for streaming. So if you want a 3rd party airport or scenery, you can buy it and then have it streamed as well.
I believe you will be able to choose if you want to install anything you want locally for better quality, which I assume will be longer loading times but not sure. Either way it can be all streamed or a mixture of some content streamed with other content installed on your HD.
They will individually mix static content from your hdd into the live streaming content of the asobo content or mix the individual content of 3rd party developers with their content and then stream that individual content to each user based on the settings??? In real time???
I honestly don’t know how it works, but someone posted a video where they apparently explained it. I’m basing this on the fact that the Library currently has 4 options: Streamed, Rented, Installed, Not Installed.
Right now both the first party and third party content in the sim is streaming from their servers and a very small amount is actually installed on the sim (basing this on what is in the Library). So it sounds like we will have the ability to install content and then when you load up a flight have the streamed content also load as you need.
Someone way smarter than me can explain it better I’m sure