MSFS 2020 suddenly crashes consistently during loading a flight

Hello There
Until yesterday I was a happy little camper flying MSFS 2020. After booting my PC today I have the consistent issue of a CTD at exactly the same moment - when I load a flight it will CTD at around 75% of the loading bar.

I tried different planes and airports - always the same issue.

Here is a shot from the event viewer. The error above is about the GSX cuatl.exe but I dont think that this is the issue?

I did a verify/repair via XBOX app - nothing.

I have no pending updates, no windows updates and the latest NVIDIA drivers are also up and running. I also did not install or update anything for/with the sim - neither from the inflight marketplace nor from 3rd party. It’s literally the same sim as yesterday.

And yes I did turn it off and on again ^^…

Is it “me again” or is it the sim that freaks out?

Oh and just to mention - last week I could not start the sim (some stupid error message forced me to re-install the whole stuff (14 hours - don’t ask). But after this re-install I was able to fly for around a week. Until yesterday.

Any ideas guys & gals?


Hi All

Since some weeks I am plagued by constand CTD either on loading a flight or on take off.

My Event Viewer log shows this:

Faulting application name: FlightSimulator.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Faulting module name: VCRUNTIME140.dll, version: 14.40.33728.0, time stamp: 0xf3e8e773
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0000000000011361
Faulting process id: 0x0x48E4
Faulting application start time: 0x0x1DAF7E5BB5192FB
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_1.37.19.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\FlightSimulator.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.UWPDesktop_14.0.33728.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\VCRUNTIME140.dll
Report Id: 4e6818f4-6c2c-4ca8-96be-5b97a330e9b8
Faulting package full name: Microsoft.FlightSimulator_1.37.19.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
Faulting package-relative application ID: App

Do you guys have any idea? I tried replacing the VCRuntime dll but I have no access to this folder…

Any ideas?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Are you using Oculus software?

If not, rename your community folder to community-backup and start MSFS in safe mode. If you can start a flight with a default aircraft, then an addon is causing the problem.

Please list your hardware in detail, exact models of everything including BIOS version, OS version if you can. Also, include the names of all software running in the background.
Could you please check if you have OpenXR Toolkit installed by any chance?

No - not at all. But thanks for checking back!

I will try to provide as much as possible tonight.
Is there a preferred format such as dxdiag or the like? Anything that summarizes the system well?

The DXDiag report file will definitely be helpful.

Hi TenPatrol

OK I will provide now the dxdiag file.

Let me also give some additional context:

  1. My current system is around 9 months old and was able to run MSFS 2020 just fine until around some weeks where issues startet
  2. I can not point to any specific event that might have triggered the CTD’s
  3. My system handles other resources hogs such as Star Citizen or X4 just fine
  4. I also had CTD when I was installing MSFS 2020 new and was re-downloading all the WU/CU and other shop items I purchased over the years. At this point my community-folder must be empty because I did not re-activated the addon-linker yet. I was still re-installing. Even then MSFS had a crash or two.

I hope that this can give you some additional hints?

Thanks a bunch for your kind help!

DxDiag.txt (116.2 KB)

Could you please list all the software that automatically starts with Windows?
Also,include the names of all software running in the background.

Here is the list of my startup items:

As for the background running software this is a bit longer of a list:


Wow, your system looks like quite a mess! :smiley:
I noticed that you have Radeon Software installed but I see you’re using NVIDIA GPU. Why do you have Radeon Software on your system if you’re not using an AMD GPU?

Also, according to the dxdiag report, it seems like there are issues with AMD software as well. It might be worth sorting this out to avoid any potential conflicts so uninstall AMD Radeon Software.

I never installed Radeon Software… I have had my usual PC supplier (mid sized electronic retailer) to build the system for me which they normally do quite well - at least I hope…

Regarding your remark with AMD software and DXDIAG - I have checked all pages of the report and it always says “no problem found”. Could you point me to the issue you saw?

Also - regarding AMD Radeon Software - I have only found some “AMD Software” which I expected due to my Processor. But in the installed apps I could not find anything with “radeon” in it. Could you point me to this please?


I propose that we move our conversation to private messages.

I decided to provide a brief update on what I recommended and what @MerlinCH65 has done so far:

1 The AMD Radeon Software appeared unexpectedly so I advised uninstalling it and restarting PC.

2 I recommended uninstalling and then installing the latest chipset drivers directly from the AMD website.
How to Install AMD Ryzen™ Chipset Drivers on a Windows® Based System

3 I advised uninstalling all installed versions of Visual C++. Restarting PC and then installing the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Version 14.40.33810.0 // x86 and x64


4 I instructed renaming the “community” folder to “community_copy” and creating a new empty “community” folder.

5 I recommended clearing the cache in Windows safe mode as this is the only way to properly clear the cache.

// Below is the correct process for clearing cache.

Delete cache

1 Start your PC in safe mode

  • Click start
  • Click power icon
  • Press and hold left SHIFT key and click restart
  • Select Troubleshoot > advanced options > startup settings > restart
  • Select 4 - Enable safe mode

2 Click start and type


Press Enter
Delete all folders

3 Click start and type


Press enter
Delete all files

4 Type


Press enter
Delete all folders

5 type


Press enter
Delete all folders

6 type


Delete all files

Restart PC

7 Click “start” and type storage settings - press enter
8 Click temporary files > scroll down > check box DirectX Shader Cache
9 scroll up > click Remove Files

10 Restart PC.

11 Launch MSFS.
Delete and turn off rolling cache.

// Please note that this is for Nvidia GPU.
// Clearing cache for AMD GPU is different due to differences in folder
// structures.

6 After launching MSFS I advised deleting and disabling the rolling cache and testing MSFS without any add-ons.

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I can confirm that this definitively solved my issue with the crashes - overall also a better performance in the sim!

Thanks a lot again!


Well done again Ten Patrol !!

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Happy to help!

Thank you sir :slight_smile:

Could you please mark it as solved?

This might help others with similar issues find a solution more quickly.

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Done - marked as solved!

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Fly safe capt!

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