MSFS 2024 Aircraft lineup

Hoping Microsoft announces a crj and md80. Since those aren’t Xbox compatible payware

I am talking about third party software, not the base sim content. So if you bought Perfect Flights’ Flight Deck - Peach flights (Forgot the correct name), that requires the default A320. In order for 3rd parties addons to work in the new sim, they would need those default aircraft

The way Xbox Studios tends to work with vehicle sims, vehicles included in the last game (sometimes including premium first party addons) are assimilated into the newer game. The only exceptions tend to be when a license to use the vehicles expires.

With Forza titles this often means the first title of the generation will have say, 200 cars and 30 racetracks, and by the last sequel of the generation, there will be 700 cars and 80 tracks.

Of course sometimes Ferrari or Toyota withdraws permission to use their cars in a sequel so those cars are lost until a new agreement can be achieved. But overall, the number keeps growing and the old cars are ported over.

Then it kinda resets again for the next generation so everything can look new for the shiny new graphics engine.

While I cannot guarantee this will be the case with MSFS, it is the same producer, the same source of money, negotiating again for the rights to include vehicles in their franchise.

No a320?? Will the fbw a320n be able to be downloaded or will they include the last base a320

I think it’s safe to assume that the A320 will be included in MSFS 2024. We might still see both Asobo and iniBuilds A320 in MSFS 2024.

But keep in mind the disclaimer I put in the topic’s post:

The ones above are just those that we could already see in one of the trailers.

Just a tiny bit of information I catched from the FSElite interview at the expo: Jörg briefly mentioned the Hercules H4 (“Spruce Goose”) wile talking about the impact of the new wave system on floatplanes:

Another hint about the 40th anniversary aircraft are at least in MSFS 2024 during the current testing process.

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Thanks, I’ve added it. Jörg also said in that interview that both A320 will probably included, so I’ve added them as well. All three of those planes are marked with (2) to keep some somewhat separate from those seen in the videos.


My hope is that working title does a navigational update to the default A320 like they did for the 787. I don’t care for Inibuilds planes at all. They feel like freeware quality.

That doesn’t make sense. The Inibuilds a320neo is exactly that, what you want with your „working title a320“ full simulated and accurate „navigation“ and avionics and much more. So please try it out.


I have. Like I said, it feels and looks like freeware. Asobo’s cockpit has a quality look. Just needs an avionics update like the 747 and 787 receives.

I might go a bit off topic but when talking about the default A320 Neo (so without the FlyByWire mod) the cockpit really is off as the glareshields mesh is deformed. In general I think a key reason the Asobo model currently still exists is about to measure which of both versions is used more by the players - Asobo/MS are able to get this information and I’m pretty sure it is/was used to make a decision if the Asobo A320 Neo will still get some level of update for MSFS (current and future iteration) or not. If it will get some support still it may also appear on MSFS2024, if not (as only a small percentage of players still use it) it won’t do so as maintaining it would cost too much.

Another aspect why the Asobo version is unlikely to be put into place is “communality” - Working Titles goal is to create frameworks which can be reused on different aircraft, like with the Garmin lineup, or the Boeing Systems with only the ProLine 21 on the CJ4 being the current exception. The Asobo A320 Neo would be a single Airbus aircraft within the known lineup which would have it’s own avionics suite as all other aircraft are created from scratch by iniBuilds (A400M, A330s). If MS also wants to keep the “Framework” idea it makes sense that ini creates this framework for Airbus avionics, so it also makes sense to continue work on their A320 Neo which will anyway expand and get PW engines in future. On WT side I’m sure they are also busy with the Boeing avionics framework as the 737 Max 8 is at the horizon - I’m pretty sure it will also incorporate the work done on the B78X and B748i.

I think in the past they said that one of the reasons to keep them both is because the Asobo A320 is used in some of the activities like the landing challenges. Keeping it means having to support it but I don’t see any reason why they’d remove it from MSFS 2020 so why should they not “keep” it in MSFS 2024 as well. But I guess time will tell. Next dev stream is scheduled, you could submit it as a question :laughing:

I’m sure I’m going to love the A400M and the Skycrane, should I ever manage to learn to fly helicopters. I’d assume the Ornithopter not being included for licensing reasons and also evetually leaving MSFS 2020 as well. See the Top Gun addon.

Hm, I could have sworn I’d seen it in the first trailer and I have also included it in my list in the first post. But re-watching the first trailer now I don’t see it (anymore).

I have the same issue. Looks fun, but I probably won’t be able to do much useful with it. Watching the second trailer with the heli flying perfectly while spraying crops and I’m just thinking “yeah right”. I’d be hitting the ground one second and 100 feet up the next.

Yup, they told that but in retrospective that might not really be a real reason - I think they technically refer to the FLTSIM entry of the default livery of the Asobo model in these missions, so if they exchange these with the ones the iniBuilds use that one would spawn instead and the rest is adjusting some numbers :wink: technically it would be not the hardest part if they were really looking to replace the default aircraft.

Keeping both and monitoring the flight times however provides some metrics for the level of acceptance and (as it was clear Xbox Series S will face some issues on the current sim down the road) will let players choose the more “lightweight” A320 Neo if needed on certain flights to performance heavy destinations :wink:

But those statistics would be skewed. Landing challenges (both WU and 3rd party) would be using the default. Most the airliner route addons all use the default (the exception being the last one Perfect Flight gave you the choice). The career mods, people still might have the default. So all that content pointing at the old one, it isn’t the user making the choice. Its the addon which is forcing their choice. I would love it if all the Perfect Flight airliner packages all gave you a choice. But they have been developed over 4 years, most released well before IniBuilds was released.

Well, on that type of missions/bush flights you’ll be anyway out of luck - on the market place presentation iirc they told that missions won’t be compatible with the new iteration. For MSFS 2024 they have basically to start from scratch with the mission design.

She did not say all bush trips etc were not compatible. She said they offer “a challenge”. We don’t know details of what that “challenge” is. We don’t know for sure if all bush trips/flights/landing challenges now will not work. People took what she said and ran with it, but we don’t know for sure what “challenges” are or the ultimate decision.

If that truly is the case, then they should say something sooner than later. Probably about 60% of what goes into the Marketplace each week lately is some type of mission. If all of those are wasted money, then perhaps they shouldn’t allow those types of products to be sold in the marketplace anymore at this late date.


They said repeatedly that backwards compatibility is a very high priority and I don’t think they just meant aircraft and airports. I’m sure there will be like a legacy mission system and a new mission system. But let’s just wait and see what Jörg or Seb are going to say about it in the future. I wouldn’t take anyone else’s statement too serious … :innocent:

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