MSFS 2024 refuse to start up - This happens also for MSFS2020

Just did a flight from KVNC to KRSW in MSFS 2020…no issues again. Still have not had to unload Nvidia APP or anything else. All is good…I don’t get why this is happening to everyone, but thought I would chime in with info. Usually only the people that our experiencing issues give their input here. I just wanted to give an instance also where there is nothing wrong.
Hope you get yours sorted out.

DirectX 11 or 12?

This issue continued after i uninstalled the nvidia app. Are there specific steps to follow to remove it correctly?

Just came across this thread as I just wasted 2 hours of my life trying to fix a problem that Nvidia caused and leaves its users completely alone with.

Like everyone else, I installed the newest driver to get DLSS 4 to run on my RTX 4090. Simulator was subsequently unusable, with random crashes every time.

Then I found out that Nvidia does not even offer you to roll back your drivers. The ‘roll back driver’ function in my device manager was greyed out.

So, had to download the third-party app ‘DDU’, remove the new driver, and manually find and download the previous driver.

I just can’t believe that Nvidia don’t offer an official function to roll back to a previous driver. Users are left completely alone when problems like this occur and have to find the solution somewhere on the internet. Is this seriously their philosophy in 2025?

DirectX 12

And my spouse has No Man’s Sky running with no issues on her rig…just saying, someone mentioned it above.

I asked because, with latest Nvidia driver 572.16, Nvidia app and DX12 selected in MSFS 2020 a CTD won’t occur.
However, with DX11 selected in MSFS 2020, using the same latest Nvidia driver and Nvidia app, a CTD will occur.

Oh dear. Who’s game to try it? :laughing:

UPDATE: I uninstalled latest NVIDIA driver and app using DDU in safe mode, I installed a driver that was working from December… and still sim crashes as soon as Asobo logo appears.

Im guessing I just take a break from simming for a while.

2020 was not loading for me either a week ago. It wasn’t crashing, it would just hang up while loading.

This week it’s working fine again and in VR too. You guys re-installing, and monkeying around with drivers are just chasing your tails in the dark.

Whatever is going on is all the server side. Including tweaks they are making we know nothing about as I’m sure they are in severe panic mode over there.

I could not agree more. I crinch every time I mess something up… perhaps creating more issues in the future

thanks did the reinstall and MSFS 2024 is working again (along with the other software that was failing to load)

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Glad it worked for you. A reinstall did not work for me. But I try it again, I may not have deleted everything the game leaves behind on c and appdata etc.

I managed to start the game finally. I did an uninstallation via Steam. I deleted AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 manually because I noticed too late, that the last time I did an uninstallation, MSFS doesn’t delete this folder.
This time, I got rid of it beforehand. I installed the game via Steam again and it works. So. It has to be something on that folder, that stops the game from starting I guess.

Is it possible that you had DLSS Tweaks installed?

Yup, MSFS 2020 kept crashing on startup…I uninstalled Nvidia App and restarted my PC…now it works lol

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thanks for your assistance earlier (everything is now working following the reinstall - using 566 without the app) but had a couple more questions:
1)notice dx11 and dx12 is referenced in some of your replies - whats the best dx version to use in MSFS2024 and 2020?
2)noting all the issues with the app and the latest nvidia drivers (572.16) whats the best way to get DLSS4 working? (from watching some videos you seem to need 572 and the app installed to get the latest version of DLSS to work?) - note really only want DLSS4 for improved performance in VR…

In MSFS 2024, there is no choice because it only supports DX12. In MSFS 2020, we can choose between DX11 and DX12 (beta).

In my opinion without Nvidia app and without replacing any game files as I described in the Nvidia driver topic.
It’s up to you to you which option you choose.

i deleted the nvidia app and it fixed the crashing problem, thx

You’re very welcome.
FYI, You can play MSFS 2020 with the Nvidia app installed, as long as you enable DX12 in the MSFS 2020 settings.