MSFS 2024 | What we know so far

Im a big fan since day one, they promised multi monitor on day of release, it took two years before we saw it and it was incomplete and buggy, I’m bummed it got overlooked in 2024. People have been complaining about the bad night lighting since the first day of release… I believe both these items should have been finished and settled by now. Just the facts y’all.

PS love the Sim and I respect the developers, disappointed with the lack of attention in critical areas to many…

I appreciate the skepticism but this sim is built upon what already exists in many ways. So we should keep most functionality.

It is an incremental sequel, kinda like next year’s FIFA or Madden, except they got four years to work on the sequel instead of just one, so they won’t be tearing everything apart and rebuilding from scratch. That would take 8-10 years rather than 4. We will get significant improvements while other things remain as they are.

So hardware, addons, and whatnot should still work much like they do in 2020.

I am sure there will be exceptions but this isn’t like 2020, where there was a pandemic, and MSFS released flyable but unfinished just so MS could drop one game that season. This was also the season the Series consoles dropped with NO RELEASE TITLES and Cyberpunk 2077 released in a near unfinished state. MSFS was meant to be a release title for the Series S and X. That got delayed a year. Weird time. It took ages for tri monitor and VR to get fleshed out.

This time they got to work like a normal office, set a release date with the studio, and they don’t need to build everything. A LOT of MSFS works and will just be ported straight over to 2024.


I think that after 9/11, Microsoft has taken a vow to prevent from combining anything related to visually depicting physical damage/explosions/rockets/bombs/guns with any of their flight simulators.
However, due to Seb implying that rigid and soft surfaces are simulated properly (I do not know to which extent though, for example, bending metal surfaces like aluminum or titanium), maybe third parties can take advantage of it.


They also said that msfs2020 will get another 4 year of support and updates. But with what was shown for FS2024 it will be a day 1 switch for me.

  • Ability to do walkarounds
  • Different biomes
  • 3D surface, where it matters if you land on grass or rock
  • dirt accumulation
  • Global ship traffic built in
  • VFR objects built in
  • Improved replay mode
  • new flight planning tool, that also works on mobile/web, including charts
  • wake turbulence, downwash
  • airports that feel more alive with passengers (hopefully they git rid of the forklifts driving over the runway)
  • Cirrus clouds
  • improved lighting
  • raytracing
  • career mode (you have to get certified for planes)

I thought it was quite interesting that the reveal that you can now do full walk arounds and pretty much walk wherever you like in third person pretty much got the biggest cheer from the crowd of the whole presentation. Despite what some people here say its clearly going to be a popular feature.

It’ll add a lot of immersion. I’m curious about the character animations though. Such as will they alter if you walk up hill? A lot of people are going to want to fly their helicopter up mountains and then walk around on steep terrain. I just wonder how developed the animation physics are.

With the world looking this well realised I can imagine people having fun turning it into a walking simulator.

I was maybe hoping they would have a new trailer specifically aimed at the flight sim community. I suppose the problem is those trailers take a lot of time and effort to put together and they’re currently full steam ahead finishing the sim for November. So perhaps it wasn’t surprising.

Yeah I was a bit underwhelmed by that. It wasn’t exactly a rabbit out of the hat moment to finish on. Unless you’re hugely into 737’s.

I suppose a lot of stuff will be revealed at specific FS2024 marketing events and more specific technical questions can be answered in dev Q+A’s over the next few months.

They had only one hour of speech time, they went over time by nearly half an hour - do you really think that they managed to get ALL new MSFS 2024 things into that short amount of time ?! Clearly not! We will hear a lot more of cool new stuff and fixes in the coming month. For now they focused on the most important things …


There are also 10 new partners we have not heard anything about. Given that they get a lot of exciting high quality stuff in via partners there is probably quite a lot to come yet.


I wonder what kind of Premium/Deluxe package they are planning this time. If any.

Makes me wonder if there is only going to be one version of the sim, ie no premium or deluxe.

I do wonder if there will be any this time. With there being such an emphasis on FS being played via a subscription to Xbox live it makes less sense to have tiered versions of the sim.

Indeed! They talked about route planning and not flight planning, is there a semantic difference between these two?

Has Blackshark AI been ditched entirely now? Is everything being done by Azure? Or maybe they just haven’t talked about that yet. Its not clear how the autogen towns and cities are going to be done. Its a huge part of how their new world will look.


At FsExpo, MS/Asobo made numerous reference to “The Base Sim”, but so far I have missed any mention of Premium or Deluxe versions.

Will MSFS 2024 have multiple version like 2020, ie Base, Premium, Deluxe, or will MSFS 2024 just be the one version.

Is there yet a documented list of the Planes what will come with MSFS 2024 ?

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Yeah me too, for content at least. Jorg did keep saying “in the base sim” so that implies there will be tiers

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There is at least this thread with confirmed new aircraft: MSFS 2024 Aircraft lineup


So, waiting patiently to hear some more news in the future regarding:

  1. Weather improvements, if at all. Logically, if one were to choose commercial pilot career mode, one would definitely want to experience dangerous weather and therefore, diversions, course changes, etc. This is one of the major drawbacks of the current sim, and unfortunately Jorg continues to dodge this question and even gets annoyed when asked about it :frowning:
  2. ATC. As a PC user, I am less worried about this, as there are some great solutions in the making now by third parties, but still, would love to have a nice offline embedded solution too.
  3. Any improvements to the current avionics. Such as adding virtual fly path boxes in synthetic vision mode in Garmin units, etc.

It’s amazing to see, that thanks to all of the limitations of the Xbox platform, they are inventing/adding lots of things which will work out of the box in the base version of the sim. If the title would have never been ported to run on Xbox, I don’t think they would have bothered at all. More embedded stuff in 2024 = less addons for us, PC users, to augment the current pitfalls of MSFS2020 = more stability, generally speaking.


I did not fully grasp how they described it, but from what I could understand, the current sim starts with a flat 2D satellite image, and sort of molded with vertical elevation data, then a color-by-number auto-generated 3D fauna and buildings on top. (I think this is why when memory is limited we see some tiles of auto-gen material popping in and out)

I’m guessing the new 3D base means that they have pre-processed some of those layers, so that we start with a 3D represenation already rendered. The 2D sat image is pre-molded with elevation data, and then they apply a much larger and more diverse set of generated things like gravel, grass, shrubs, based on the region. Then I assume there is still auto-generated things like trees and building on top of the base. By pre-processing and reducing the number of layers that might free up memory and processing power, to allow more detail (LOD), so a better result on existing hardware.

I could be completely wrong, but that was my rough interpretation of it.


@Cortez019 Looks like you have a new assignment after you finish your 48 states driving challenge :slight_smile:


Jorg said in a prior Q&A that the new Bing maps will be passed over to for processing.


I absolutely love the plan to use more TIN for scenery instead of just for cities, but one problem needs to be tackled for MS2024 or the most beautiful places will be ruined for off airport landings: the floating vegetation.

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