Ooo now that is interesting… I don’t use any of the keyboard keys usually so haven’t noticed that…
I will check that it’s a sim issue rather than something I have implemented within the mod, COM1 shouldn’t turn off using B ahah!
Great Mod, thanks and well done. This really enhances the 152 experience, and the flight model is much closer to my experience of real world flight of a 152 during a couple of lessons I have had in the past. Amazing stuff! If I could add one minor criticism, it really is that quality of the airbrush on the livery where you have tried to airbrush out what looks like a Union Jack. I would be grateful if you could fix that thanks i.e. Lets see the full Union Jack and be proud of it Alternatively, airbrush it out entirely…your call.
Thanks for the feedback!
About the livery, oops! Yes, my own personal livery is nearly identical but with the Union Jacks on it, which were meant to be removed!
I didn’t realise you could see them seeping through, I will get that corrected!
– EDIT –
This has been fixed now! Thanks for the heads up!
thanks for the link - already installed it (removed the old version).
just wondering:
1)how can you tell if its actually working? (I think the old one gave you a 152 with a particular registration)
2)anyway to tell what version you have?
you should have a Blue & White livery included & the default Registration should be G-JNPL
Yes & No if you look in “Content Manager” it will tell you the version number!
In the next release I’ll include a version.txt so you can quickly check that!
This is a known issue
Unfortunately there isn’t much I can actually do about it yet - I am working on making it completely independent of other aircraft but with the way Asobo has structured things this is taking some time!
It is in the pipeline!