MSFS doesn't launch - opens MS store with Gaming Services instead

Same problem - the endless loop! Thanks to member that suggested the following FIX! I performed the REPAIR and it now works. :smiley:

gaming services/advanced settings/repair & reset

Same here. And when I try to update from the XBox app all I get is Error 0x80070032. So now we all need to be IT experts to update a game!?! Think it’s time to uninstall MSFS for good and try a better managed flight sim cause frankly MSFS sucks atm. Game of the Year? Was that title self awarded?


Those people couldn’t program the original PONG game without ##### it up.


Same issues here, I updated to Windows 11, a mistake maybe? MS Store says install via X-Box App! FS2020 gives 3 or 4 different install errors!!! I have read all the advice and still FS won’t install! I’m not going to buy this **** twice!! I, like a lot of others have purchased add-ons and now it’s like burning money and I feel like ****! Good luck to us all!

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I contacted MS Support. They said it was a compatibility issue or something. I had to do the MEDIA UPGRADE and now it works. I believe it was mentioned above.

MEDIA UPGRADE? What’s that?

I had this problem a couple of times, and this has worked :ok_hand:t3:


VEXING, Im trying to find the thread for insturctions Stand by

Click on START > SETTINGS > RECOVERY > RESET THIS PC. Go thru the steps to reinstall all the drivers and components while keeping all your information. This takes about an hour but then you can run MSFS and you don’t have to do a bunch on reconfiguring.

Thank you, the “repair” and “reset” worked the same for me as well!

FYI to others- I had already deleted the gaming services via powershell as directed in other posts (but I was looped back to the blank MS page when I tried to “Get-App”). Don’t know if that is needed for the repair to work or not.

And as for MS- thanks so much for the free IT Simulator today, it was a blast being looped around to dead ends, looping around in applications that shouldn’t have anything to do with my issue, and even editing my registry, wow! It felt just like working for a hapless mega corp that is unable to fix problems and leaves everyone to their own investigating!! I even started hating my life because of my “job”!! 10 out of 10 stars!!

Update: OK MS- Just finished another beautiful flight. Love the sim, you nuts. :wink:

You’re very welcome.

Thanks RwpTurnip. I’ll keep it in mind if/when I ever go back to MSFS. I just don’t believe we should have to go thru this S**T every time there’s an update. Customers just want to play the sim. If MS are going to insist all updates are mandatory they need to make the process as easy as possible and most of all WORK!

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Hi all
ever since the last update su7 everytime I go to start msfs I get the Microsoft store package dependency installer window. If I click yes it wants to install msfs to its default location on my C drive. of course I directed it to where I have msfs installed which is c:\msfs. it then found that I was already up to date and loaded normally. I figured well maybe that solved the problem but no it continues to come up everytime I load msfs. If I hit cancel when that window comes up msfs loads normally. Ive tried the media tool and the apps/repair/reset mentioned here above and nothing has worked. It seems that since the last update if you have msfs installed anywhere other then the default location this installer doesnt recognize it.

Vex, I couldn’t agree with you more. I have never seen such a pile of ■■■■ code before. I thought FSX was bad. I understand that this is a complex sim. But in true MS style, money rules the day. They are so huge of a company that they are immune to the repercussions of screwing the customer.

Hey Phantum, the only suggestion I would have is that 1. Maybe it is related to the same incompatibility issue that everyone else has and 2., try the media reset that is mentioned above. It’s bery easy to do and takes less than an hour for the whole thing. Report back and let me know how it goes. Cheers!

Hi Rwp Turnip
I did the media reset process which reinstalls windows and still have this issue

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Would it be a problem to reinstall it to the default location?

Having sorted out this problem a few weeks ago and MSFS having run OK
it’s back again to taking me to the MS store Gaming services page

Once again I’ve tried all of the solutions to start with 
with no success.
Tried my previous solution to reset Win 10 using the Media creation tool but this time it wouldn’t let me do anything as it says
thanks for upgrading.
So the next move was as I myself suggested and upgrade all the way to Win 11.
The process was painless and the OS is running fine
except for Gaming services into which MSFS is still going on start up so no solution there.
Tried all of the solutions again to no avail.
Did find that CCleaner will uninstall Gaming services but a reinstall through MS store changed nothing.

This is just so frustrating that central apps like MS store and Gaming services can’t cut the mustard.
I don’t think this is an Asobo issue as if you read the comments on the Gaming services page and also Google the problem it seems to affect lots of different games loaded through the MS store.

Indeed as I said before MS had put out a patch for this problem back in the summer
Looks like they need another to sort out their core apps.

Just invested in a 6900xt as well to boost those framerates
oh well back to Aerofly 2, etc!

I was having the same issue for about 3 days now. The xbox app was giving me an error " Error 0x80073d26 In Windows 11". So I made some researches and found a video on YouTube giving some solutions here is the link:

The second option helped me fix it. It found two corrupted files on my pc and automatically removed them. I hope it will help everybody.
Please let me know.

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