If it’s your business machine I assume you take regular backups for disaster recovery? Acronis are pretty good for that.
Also windows image backup.
will the MS store for gaming service be better in windows 11 ?
or remain basically as it is
After a month of not being able to load the game my patience has run out.
I have deleted the suggested reg entries. I have tried the reset of the Microsoft store. I have tried about everything I have seen posted here that “worked” for others. I have made all available windows updates to date.
All I can think of now is to reinstall windows and start over again. But I fear not only losing my logbook stats, but will a reinstall solve anything or leave me stuck in the same situation?
How many of you are still locked out of MSFS? Where do I go from here?
Have you tried reinstalling MS Store via powershell? At this point that may be your best bet and has helped others in with the same problem over on the MSFS discord.
Thanks for the suggestion. Yes I did try that route as well. There were so many different workarounds it has become a little confusing. LOL
A quick update to my situation: yesterday I did a “reset“ of windows 10. It then updated the gaming services app in the Microsoft store. However, it still failed to complete the installation of the update. Fortunately though it gave me a different code (0x80073D02).
I did a quick search of that code online and tried the recommended fix of using the app reset in the settings menu. Then went back to the store, ran the update, and it finally installed. I then downloaded the simulator and all the updates again. After a couple hours of that the sim loaded just fine. The final step for me was to create a system restore point after exiting the Sim. Been too busy today to see if it still works!
Thanks again for the response.
MODERATOR EDIT: This post merged into this topic.
Microsoft Store opens Gaming Services page:
If MS Store keeps redirecting you to Gaming Services when you try to launch or update MSFS , carefully follow these instructions to try and fix the issue:
- Close MSFS & MS Store
- Open Registry Editor (regedit) as administrator
- In the panel on the left, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → SYSTEM → CurrentControlSet → Services
- Carefully remove the GamingServices and GamingServices.Net items
- Restart Computer
- Go to MS Store → 3-dot-menu on the right → Downloads and Updates → Check updates and install the update to Gaming Services (you may need to click on Gaming Services to force a check for updates)
- Try to launch MSFS again
i did what you said, but same result, it’s show all up to date, game services in store
Did you try going on the task manager, services tab and right clicking on gaming services and clicking restart or start so that their status is ‘running’?
btw, now no game services and game services.net in reg
no, i doesn’t, will now
Here the same, i did reinstall pc/win10 (and lost nearly a year of log’s) no success, msfs won’t install/run, tried it on two different desktop PC’s. I am very disapointed, had a desktop pc custom build only to run msfs, bought the game and a lot of add-ons. I am quite sure now the problem is not on my side, but until asobo/microsoft see this there will be no solution i am afraid.
thank you man, amen, aleluya, happy new year, god bless ya!!!
and god bless you!!!
guys, don’t reinstall game, windows etc. this is in 99.9~% causes is overkill, almost always you can found better way, in this way, uninstall game services by power shell, and install it again help me, but before uninstall i del some stuff in reg as MortThe2nd said… so don’t reinstall game ever, or almost ever
Had the same problem after the latest update. MS Store is always so buggy, huh? Anyway, this fixed it for me: https://support.xbox.com/en-US/help/errors/error-code-0x80073D26
i had heavy problems only when install, and today
Using Powershell incorrectly can be disastrous. As in Blue Screen. So that should be done carefully as all hell and as a last-resort. I am one of many people that have realized that MSFS2020 is not only not working but there is no fix and seemingly no interest from Asobo, Microsoft, Steam or anyone else in fixing this Gaming Services issue. I am on my 5th boxed version re-install as I could not get the downloadable version to actually download. I have even pondered about re-purchasing the boxed version. I am just at a loss. Will anyone help? Where’s Neo when you need him?